I'm so old I Remember when:

I'm so old I remember when Khrushchev came to the USA and on camera told my parents that Russia would bury their grandchildren. That would be my kids. So far he has failed. I saw that on the evening news and have never forgot it. I don't know if he was speaking live or it was a replay but it wasn't long before fallout shelters sprang up all around me.
I'm also old enough to remember riding in the bed of pickups being normal and no seatbelt laws. You could shove as many kids as you wanted in the back seat of a car or ride with them on your lap.
And back to smoking...
Parents could smoke in those cars full of kids with the windows up and no one said a thing about it.
My mom’s parents moved halfway cross country with eight kids in a bug.
I'm also old enough to remember riding in the bed of pickups being normal and no seatbelt laws. You could shove as many kids as you wanted in the back seat of a car or ride with them on your lap.
And back to smoking...
Parents could smoke in those cars full of kids with the windows up and no one said a thing about it.
I remember playing in the cloud of smoke that hung around daddy's ashtray.
I'm also old enough to remember riding in the bed of pickups being normal and no seatbelt laws. You could shove as many kids as you wanted in the back seat of a car or ride with them on your lap.
And back to smoking...
Parents could smoke in those cars full of kids with the windows up and no one said a thing about it.
Back when people minded their own business
I stayed up too late reading this thread, very fun! Lots of memories, good and bad...
The phone call when one of my cousins died in the Korean war.
Actually met and shook hands with JFK when he was in the Wisconsin primary. And exactly where I was when he was shot. The first time televisions ran news all day. Horrible!
Playing outside at least until dark, and later, watching fireflies and the stars.
The new polio vaccines, and how we got them, first at the doctor's office (injectable) and then the sugar cubes at school. Every fall, when schools opened, there would be an outbreak of polio cases. One year my parents kept me out of school for a week or two, until things settled down.
Smallpox vaccinations, had two, the second in 2000 before going overseas. Saved so many lives!
Driving cross country on two lane roads, no air conditioning in the car, funky little motels, also no AC, whining "are we there yet?" , driving parents nuts. As they smoked non stop in the car, most adults did, and it was rude to complain about it.
When freeways were built, what a change!

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