I'm so old I Remember when:

I was caught going twenty over once and only got a warning!
Got caught doing 80 in North Dakota, by a state trooper! Thought I was going to jail, and probably a few hundred dollars fine. Nope, just a $10 fine, mail it in, and a "have a nice trip!" I think North Dakota didn't want to hurt any tourism.
I remember when I could hop down from the bed of a pickup truck, land on my two feet, and take off running. Try that today and I'd end up in a crumpled heap on the ground, checking limbs for what's broken.
Our high school had two floors. Sliding down the handrail would get you suspended, but many of us would just leap over the last four or five steps, land on the floor and keep going.

Did you ever leap from a moving swing? I did, but not too high.

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