I'm so old I Remember when:

I remember lightning bugs like that too. We'd go to the drive in movies when I was a kid and there was always a huge area for kids to play...swingsets and all kinds of stuff with a huge grass area the lightning bugs loved. Our folks would watch the movie while us kids had a blast running all over with tons of other kids. Not an adult in site...they were all watching the movie 😂. We'd terrorize the lightning bugs... getting their glow on our hands sometimes when we'd accidentally squish one. There were so so many of them then!
Exactly! Back in the days when kids could go to the snack shack by themselves, camp out in their own front yard and stay up late playing hide and go seek.
I remember traveling the country roads on my bike looking for discarded bottles. That nickel per was better than shoveling chicken crap for a quarter an hour.
A nickel a bottle would have been a whole lot better than the dime I got for hoeing a 300 yard long row of corn.
Eeeek! I know they're not wolves, but coyotes have been known to carry off pets and small children!!! Creeps me out every time I hear them howling. And you slept outside listening to that? And enjoyed it?
We always had a yard full of dogs, so the coyotes kept a respectful distance. I still love to hear them yip and howl. 🥰
Better to dial 911 from a landline.
But the landlines all go through the internet as well, and even in areas where they don't, 911 is likely to be net based. We had a landline at my old house. Power was out, but I figured the wall phone woukd be working so we could notify the power company...nope. Dead air. Not even a dial tone. It came back up when the power came back on.
But the landlines all go through the internet as well, and even in areas where they don't, 911 is likely to be net based. We had a landline at my old house. Power was out, but I figured the wall phone woukd be working so we could notify the power company...nope. Dead air. Not even a dial tone. It came back up when the power came back on.
True but the center knows your address when using a landline. Do they know that if you are using your cell phone? At one time I know they did not. I asked before I got the land line.

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