I'm so old I Remember when:

Remember watching the Newlywed Game, the Dating Game, the Ed Sullivan Show, Soul Train, the Mickey Mouse Club, PeeWee Herman (before he was caught mast**ba**g in an adult theater and ruined his career bwaaaahhhh!!!), Bozo the Clown, The Honeymooners, I Love Lucy, Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color every Sunday at 7:30pm (never missed an episode), Dark Shadows, The Monkeys, The Addams Family and The Munsters, Petticoat Junction, oh I could go on and on......
Ahhh teenage heartthrobs! Mine was David Cassidy. Dreamy!

I had a crush on him too!
I remember the house of one set of grandparents had no electricity and an outhouse. No indoor plumbing at all. Drinking water was a bucket on the back porch with a gourd dipper. There were no electric lines and no telephone lines. Light at night was from kerosene lanterns.
I have a friend who lived like that with her husband until he died a year ago. Waaaay out in the boonies, no electric, no plumbing, no gas. Pot-bellied stove for heat, wood-fired cook stove, oil-filled lamps, outhouse, wringer washer, water from a well pump in the front yard. House is still there, the widow lives in town now, but is making some 'upgrades' to the country house so she can move back out there. (Upgrades, as in fixing a leaky roof, replacing the door on the root cellar, and patching walls. Still doesn't plan to get electric or water. SMH.)
So you remember when we got to the moon?
I remember watching the first alleged moon landing on tv and how they used to show the casualty figures from vietnam on the evening news. I had a pair of bell bottoms with flowers on them that my aunt the hippy sewed for me. Those were strange times to grow up in even by today's standards.

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