I'm sick, so im chilling whith my spooder.


9 Years
Apr 2, 2015
Katy TX
Ended up sick and had to call out of work work today so I moved my Arizona Blond named 'French
Fry' into a 10 gal. Got her for 15 dollars plus shipping as the breeder thought she must be male giving as she wouldn't, ya know, breed! But I've had her for 3 years since and she was already full size. And given male spiders don't live long, ive decided she's just a grumpy prude of lady spider who wants to live her life in peace and isolation :)
Ended up sick and had to call out of work work today so I moved my Arizona Blond named 'French
Fry' into a 10 gal. Got her for 15 dollars plus shipping as the breeder thought she must be male giving as she wouldn't, ya know, breed! But I've had her for 3 years since and she was already full size. And given male spiders don't live long, ive decided she's just a grumpy prude of lady spider who wants to live her life in peace and isolation :)
That's super interesting!

You should move her into a 30+ gal --RESIST THE CRITISISM, GIRL! RESIST IT!-- for the happiest spider -- hamster... instincts... kicking... in!-- though I've never had one.

Ignore that. I actually know nothing about tarantulas. I just remember I used to have a hamster in a 10 gal cage. Bad vibes, bad vibes. :lol:
@CuckooTheCrazyChicken haha actually hamsters are probably the only small rodent I never owned! But tarantulas hold a 'territory' centered around their burrow, which they can build constantly throughout their lives depending on species. Plus tarantulas are pretty delicate, so most are kept in smaller cages to keep them from falling and hurting themselves. I myself am a little wary of letting her at those 11 inch walls, but if any thing I'll supply whith a extra 4 inches of soil if need be and she can play excavator :) nothing says a happy tarantula than being gifted whith a bunch of dirt and a cockroach or two(tarantula do a literal happy dance when they eat fun fact)
A "breeder" who couldn't tell if the spood was male or female is no "breeder" LOL Male Aphonopelma can live several years... Yours, based on colouring, is not a mature male... but I cannot tell you from a dorsal view if it is a female or sub-adult male. Has s/he molted for you?

Nice to see another spood lover here! I have 100+ tarantulas :)
@AsaDotJava haha yeah I think so too no ive had FF for 3 years and not once got a molt from em I had a G. Pulchripes who was gorgeous but made an escape one day and was found by the cats :(
@AsaDotJava haha yeah I think so too no ive had FF for 3 years and not once got a molt from em I had a G. Pulchripes who was gorgeous but made an escape one day and was found by the cats :(

That's not uncommon... I have an A. chalcodes that is going on 4 years without a molt and 2 years without a meal lol Which sums up the entire time I have had the spider. Ventrally, we suspect male... but I'm waiting on this fabled molt to know for sure lol

Ugh, I'm sorry to hear that. I had a MM P. murinus escape during a breeding attempt and the dogs found him.
@AsaDotJava yeah lol im currently down too one spider from my original 4. I had 3 Ts(A.chalcodes G. Pulchripes and L.parabana) and 1 true. (huntsman) my Bird eater went to a sibling as a Bday present after hitting 4 inches and my huntsman just died in the cold snap the other week literally the day I planned to activate the heat maybe I'll pick up another few ts next spring(I want a geniculata!!)but FF is my only 8 legged pet rock for now :)

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