Ideas please-Very determined Broody still brooding/sitting on wire cage bottom


Mar 12, 2018
Perth Australia
Our second hen went broody a copper Maran, about 1 year old. For a few days we kept throwing her out of nest box, then trying to confine her in backyard away from the others during the day so she could not return to box until she figured out she could fly back over quite a high gate.. so chicken jail it was..we put a wire grate on bricks in our sick/brooding emergency xl wood dog transport crate..
She then found that she could sit on a brick storing her body heat on that and kept brooding.. so I turned the bricks around to their narrow side up...but still sitting and brooding..
Temperature in Australia not help as it's summer and hot outside so I guess even with wire bottom her core temp has stayed high...

Any ideas?? Apart from giving her chicks.. we are nearly at capacity numbers wise and I would struggle selling off a few out of he rather not

Thank you
Do you have air conditioning indoors?
I had a determined broody who I would have to bring in, in her crate, into the airconditioned house.

And position her so the cold air blew on her.
This worked several times.

She was very cyclically broody.
Finally I made the decision to rehome her.
I found a nice chicken owner who’s goal was to grow her flock and she wanted a broody hen to help her with that.
If you can't bring her inside I've read ice packs for her to sit on work too. Good luck, I ended up letting my broody do her thing and put a fan and mister in the coop to keep her cool. She wouldn't give up.
Temperature in Australia not help as it's summer and hot outside so I guess even with wire bottom her core temp has stayed high...
This is where dunking in water might be called for.
Not like ice water cold, but cool.
Might consider employing a fan too, set it to blow under the cage.

How hot is it?
Is it humid too?

Can't quite picture your breaker pics, please?

I had a serial broody last summer during a heat wave, had to keep moving her into the shade a couple times a day...I actually think the 'change of scenery' helped break her.

This is the crate I use, I did put a chunk of 2x4 on the bottom as she was in there so much I didn't want the wire floor to irritate her feet. I also stuck a frozen liter bottle of water in with her.
I am having the same problem. I throw her out of the coop first thing in the morning & put a frozen milk bottle of water in the nest in the evening. She cuddles up to the icy bottle so @ least I'm not worried about her getting too hot & I'm making sure she eats & drinks.
Had a breakthrough today, instead of the bricks I put 4 x2l frozen milk bottles under the grate..thecoldness soon made her stand up..walk around.. by afternoon she was at the feeder eating and clucking to me when I went to check on them.. so I thought why not try give her an outing with the others.. she went back to coop after a while of being out but when I came with scraps she came running out (which she had not done while at brooding) .. then stayed out with rest all afternoon.. will check if on roost tonight... It's been 33-38celsius here..daytime temp..

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