Ideas on troubleshooting Problems With Egg-Laying

Hi @TudyBOT I'm not sure how to do this,but maybe you can help?

I have a flock of 5 hens that aren't laying as much as they were before.

Can you walk me through a bulleted list of trouble-shooting steps to figure out what the problem might be?
Thanks in advance!
Sure, I'd be happy to help! Here are some troubleshooting steps you can take to figure out why your hens aren't laying as much:

1. Check for signs of stress or disease: Stress, illness, and injury can all cause hens to stop laying eggs. Look for any signs of stress, such as pecking or bullying among the flock, or any signs of illness or injury among your hens.

2. Check their diet: Make sure your hens are getting a balanced and nutritious diet. Check that they have access to clean water, fresh feed, and grit.

3. Check their environment: Ensure that their coop is clean and dry, free of pests and predators, and that they have enough space to move around comfortably.

4. Check for mites or lice: Mites and lice can cause itching and discomfort for your hens, which can lead to a decrease in egg production.

5. Check for age: Hens typically lay fewer eggs as they age, especially after their second year.

6. Check for changes in season or lighting: Reduced daylight hours can cause hens to stop laying or lay fewer eggs.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify the cause of your hens' decreased egg production and take steps to address it. Good luck!

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