
8 Years
Jul 4, 2015
Just placed an order at Ideal Poultry, I’ve ordered once from them before but it was YEARS ago maybe in 2014. My orders due to ship 08/09 so I’m excited to hear from people about their experiences with Ideal nowadays!

My first ever order from them I ordered 8 assorted bantams and received 20 birds. I got the 8 bantams plus 12 RIR rooster chicks as packing peanuts for warmth. All arrived alive and well!
The order I placed today was for 4 EE bantams, 5 assorted d’Uccle bantams, and 6 assorted feather legged bantams for a total of 15 bantams.

So I’m wondering, does Ideal still use roosters to make up for warmth and if so would they do it so late in the chick season when it’s so hot? I’m located in Alabama so it’s HOT and muggy here and I’m thinking 15 bantams shipping in a box might be pushing it with the heat.

I love roosters personally, and I tend to keep most bantam roosters I get because I raise them by hand and make sure to keep them friendly and enjoyable, but I’d prefer not to have 5+ Standard RIR boys waltzing around my property 😂 but I’d also like to plan ahead to try to rehome them if they will be sent.

ALSO, if you have any pics of any of the type of bantams I got or just any awesome birds from Ideal please post them! I want to tame my excitement because getting a new order of chicks never gets old.
I have gotten some summer orders from Ideal with no extra roosters (orders of bantams, with about the same number of chicks as your recent order.)

I do not know whether that was because of the number of chicks and the temperatures, or whether they changed their policies about extra chicks.

One of their information pages says they "box poultry according to the weather," which I take to mean more or less birds in a smaller or larger box depending on whether the temperatures are low or high. So ordering a large-ish number of chicks, in the heat of summer, would be the best way to avoid extra chicks.
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