I want to know the pros and cons to your ducks

You might try Meyer Hatchery. I don't know about them quality and/or service wise but they have a 3 duck minimum. There may be a Meyer Hatchery thread here at BYC you could check out first. Good Luck.

Thats actually where I got my last order of chicks from. I really liked using them, I had the chicks the next day. I might have to use them only because they are closer to me than the other alternatives. The only problem was the shipping for only 3 ducks was like $45. Maybe I will contact them and see if they actually hatch their own ducks. I heard somewhere that they don't hatch their ducks, but who knows. The chicks I got from them all arrived still alive and weren't sluggish looking or weak looking. I would definitely use them again. Thanks for the suggestion.
I know call ducks are very noisy, but if you want ducks more for pets then calls are where it's at!
Yes the noise - but remember that they only make the noise when they are out.
So when cooped up at unsociable hours they aren't upsetting anyone; and if my neighbours are anything to go by then you may find your neighbours really get a kick out of hearing the cackling little buggers!

I'll pop another vote in for khaki Campbells too, they're a bit plain but they have such wonderful personalities, they're a hoot to watch and are the most accepting birds I have.
One of mine even lives with the chickens...

This is Crumble my snowy call -

This is Bonkers, my khaki Campbell - (plus Creamy a white Campbell and Charlie my call drake)
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smonkeySK your ducks are gorgeous. Lucky for me I still have plenty of time to decide, the new coop where they will be won't be up until next spring. The main reason I wanted quietish ducks was because the neighbors I do have that are somewhat near me are from the city and one guy is constantly drunk. I am allowed to have animals and such but rather than starting a problem with the neighbors I am hoping to avoid one all together. Has anyone on here only had two or three call ducks? How loud do you think they are when in a smaller group?
Thanks for the thumbs up :)

To answer your question - I had 1 call female at first; she was the loudest bird I had (barring my Cockerell who started crowing at 4 in the morning..). She wasn't too bad as she only cackled when we came or went from the yard.

I now have 2 more calls (mallard cross call) - the 'conversation' is a lot more frequent and definitely noisier than before.

1 male and 1 female would be the only 'quiet' way of doing it imo.
I will keep that in mind when I start really looking into buying next year. Isn't one male to one female duck a little harsh?
I will keep that in mind when I start really looking into buying next year. Isn't one male to one female duck a little harsh?

I think so, unless you only plan on keeping just the pair. One male in a flock of females would be easiest on them, and would mean one happy drake! :p
I will keep that in mind when I start really looking into buying next year. Isn't one male to one female duck a little harsh?
Could be pretty harsh on the female if she was matched up with a Drake like my Khaki drake. There is always the chance of over mating and injuring the female. You would be better off, if you can manage it, to have anywhere from 1 to 4 to 1 to 10.
Thank you for the advice. It's a lot to think about. I'll have to measure out exactly where they are going to I know how many I can get. It's a largish space but I don't want to overcrowd. If I have to I will just get a couple females and leave it at that.
I will keep that in mind when I start really looking into buying next year.  Isn't one male to one female duck a little harsh?

Yeah you'd have to add some quieter ducks into the mix really just in case your drake is a randy one.
My Charlie is a little angel as he leaves the little birds alone unless they offer themselves. He's constantly on the bigger girls, tho to be fair he rarely hits the spot!

I first had a female mallard, Campbell and call with the drake, it was quieter and with the placid nature of our drake we had no issues.
But if you were worried about numbers then you could easily forget the drake and just get a mix of ducks (anything to slip a single call in there!!).

I must warn you that ducks are so awesome you will probably want more than you plan for :)

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