I thought roosters fought each other?


May 30, 2023
South Carolina
Okay. A few days ago, we bought a huge black Americauna rooster who is about 7 months old. My neighbor has a free range Derbyshire Redcap rooster who is about a year old. They got him like a week before we got our new rooster. Previously, all the chicks we had before died thanks to a homeowner not locking their dogs up MULTIPLE TIMES. One such occasion they made it down the road to our street and tore open the caged run, killing all 9 of our babies (7 hens, one rooster, and our neighbors 2 year old rooster who we step parent raised). Well we went back to King's Cove (Where we bought our previous pullets) to get some more babies. They only had pullets and no baby roos. I mentioned wanting one and the person helping me was like, "Well we have some that are like 7 months old, do you want to go look?" Fast forward to later and we brought home 7 new pullets and one big black....rooster.

Well we kept him in the fenced in front yard. Him and the other rooster had met through the fence but not in person so to speak. Fast forward to Friday morning. Professor Snape (yes he is named Snape), had somehow hopped over the fence and was just tagging along with the other rooster. They are like besties. No hens, nothing. Just two roosters hanging out. I thought roosters disliked each other?

Can someone give a rooster newbie some insight on why he escaped the front yard, abandoned a nice waterer and feeder, two hang with a rooster? Funny thing is that Snape is HUGE. He is a very big boy and the Derbyshire? Tiny as all get out. The size difference is hilarious. Huge rooster acting like a lost puppy and is following around the tiny guy.

Advice? Insight? Comments? If anyone wants pictures of the two babies let me know.

Picture attached is what the Derbyshire outside looks like. Taken off google search.


  • derbyshire-redcap-rooster.jpg
    181.1 KB · Views: 126
If I understand this correctly, your pullets are really young? Like not old enough to mate kind of young? Does the neighbor have any females?
If I understand this correctly, your pullets are really young? Like not old enough to mate kind of young? Does the neighbor have any females?
Nope. Just those 2 fellas outside. Pullets are inside in the brooder box until they are about 7 to 8 weeks old-ish. Idk since it will be chilly out.
Nope. Just those 2 fellas outside. Pullets are inside in the brooder box until they are about 7 to 8 weeks old-ish. Idk since it will be chilly out.

OK, then this is perfectly normal. Males can be OK together even if there are females around, but since there's absolutely no one to keep company to either boy, they found eachother
OK, then this is perfectly normal. Males can be OK together even if there are females around, but since there's absolutely no one to keep company to either boy, they found eachother
I never thought the tiny rooster would be the boss of my big baby. He is 2x the size of the other one yet follows him around everywhere. I won't take him from his buddy until the pullets are able to be around him. They are only a week old
Most of my males don't fight unless they cross paths with an unfamiliar male or they really get a rush of hormones during puberty. I have multiple flocks with multiple roosters (I have like 7 in one of my flocks currently) and apart from occasional spats that are mostly just raised hackles, they don't fight

I have a pair of retired males (and a young cockerel they raised that won't be staying) in a pen without any females. They rarely had met each other before that pen, and without physical access to females (they can still see lotsnof them though), they get along most days.
Most of my males don't fight unless they cross paths with an unfamiliar male or they really get a rush of hormones during puberty. I have multiple flocks with multiple roosters (I have like 7 in one of my flocks currently) and apart from occasional spats that are mostly just raised hackles, they don't fight

I have a pair of retired males (and a young cockerel they raised that won't be staying) in a pen without any females. They rarely had met each other before that pen, and without physical access to females (they can still see lotsnof them though), they get along most days.
So basically they give each other a bunch of side eye? Lol. Glad to know boys get along otherwise.

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