I really don't know what to do for my girl with vision problems


16 Years
Dec 24, 2007
Northern California
My sweet Thelma is about six years old and an Easter Egger. She is adorable. I noticed about three weeks ago that she has vision problems. She bumps into things, she "misses" the food bowl, but does eventually find it and eat. Same with water.

However, when I give the girls spinach, she misses pecking at it on the ground or miss it when I hold out a piece for her. She will go for it about an inch from where I'm holding the leaf

She does seem to be OK in that she cleans herself and her feathers, dust bathe and goes out on the field trip with the others.

Yet, I'm so stressed as I want to be sure she is getting nourishment. I think she is as she is still acting normal. Also, she sleeps on top of the coop every night and that takes some doing to get up there.

Thoughts? Suggestions?
I had a mostly blind little old d'uccle rooster. He did okay. I kept him in a smaller pen, and kept his food and water in the same spot. He did well for a few years before we decided he had enough.

I would just watch and make sure it's eating and drinking, and not being bullied.
I have a 13 year old polish hen who I learned was blind last year- cataracts both eyes. I keep her in a critter nation wire cage with a cement mixing tub in it and shavings. This is her home base. She sleeps in there, her food and water are in the same place, chest height and so during the day, she often will go out into the chick pen (the bigger girls will bully her) and I will take her in in the evening (she’s in my garage) when she will mostly eat up and drink. She seems to appreciate the small space where she can find the necessities . She does enjoy scratching around during the day but I can tell when she’s had enough... she’s quiet as a church mouse but when she’s ready to go to bed, she will tell me.... they can do very well.
My sweet Thelma is about six years old and an Easter Egger. She is adorable. I noticed about three weeks ago that she has vision problems. She bumps into things, she "misses" the food bowl, but does eventually find it and eat. Same with water.

However, when I give the girls spinach, she misses pecking at it on the ground or miss it when I hold out a piece for her. She will go for it about an inch from where I'm holding the leaf

She does seem to be OK in that she cleans herself and her feathers, dust bathe and goes out on the field trip with the others.

Yet, I'm so stressed as I want to be sure she is getting nourishment. I think she is as she is still acting normal. Also, she sleeps on top of the coop every night and that takes some doing to get up there.

Thoughts? Suggestions?
A sighted chicken that is going blind can learn to care for itself, but, with your help. I had a salmon favorelle loose his sight for a period of months until his health issues were resolved. The rooster lived in the kitchen with our dogs. While some sight remained the rooster learned where the food and water was and we made sure these receptacles were always in the same place. The food dish was deep and kept full to make finding and eating food easier. Greens were cut into small pieces and put in the same dish. Vitamins were added to the water.
Even after his sight was gone the rooster could navigate the room and find the food and water. He did seem to sense bright light and often lay basking in the sunlight. He eventually got his sight back and rejoined the flock.

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