I need input on this new roost please

I went to great efforts to build a nice roost similar to yours and my chickens only use it as a "stepping stone" to get to the rafters and cross beams of my coop much higher up, several feet off the ground. Best laid plans and all that...
Just measured and the roost is 17" from the wall so they should be fine.
I was very unsure how to correctly pick up the hens. Thank you mpmra for step by step instructions. I appreciate all the help from everyone and especially for all of you remembering that, what might be second nature for experienced owners, can be a bit overwhelming for newbys. Learning to relax is the main reason I got my chickens so I am grateful for this venue to give me pointers and to help me remember to stop and enjoy. Besides family, these ladies are the highlight of my day.......well, sometimes they come first. Lol.
Cannot wait till I get house chores done so I can play in the coop!

This sentiment is precisely the reason why, two years ago, I decided to go to the expense and labor of building a coop/run "palace" so I can enjoy my chicken "family" in comfort. Before, it had a run that was slapped together with hog/cattle panels that was too low to stand up in. Now friends drop by and we all lounge around in the run, watching the show go on around us.

By the way, everyone can afford to upgrade their coop/run if they cancel cable and satellite TV. You won't even miss it because you'll be spending the time you'd have been watching stupid TV shows out in your new run with some real entertainment!
When the hens new house was built, I have a hen who would push all other hens off the entire roost cuz she wanted it for herself. In the morning, I would find the other hens in different places in the hen house. I drapped a small soft blanket over part of the roost and now she covets her blankie and won't let any other hen on it, but they CAN perch on the rest of the roost. That was 2 yrs ago and she still has her blankie. I have to wash it often, but at least problem solved :)

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