I need advice for frostbite on my Roo

Chickens R Us

7 Years
Dec 27, 2012
Upper Peninsula of Michigan
My BO rooster has gotten frostbite on the tips of his comb. I noticed it the morning we had -22F. I add an extra 100w bulb by the roosts and left the lights on longer 10pm til 4pm, the next morning it was -14F. and the frostbite has not gotten worse. My coop is insulated and ventilated up high, way above the roosts and no drafts. Now here is my question should I put vaseline on his comb and wattles? I have read in other forums it helps prevent frostbite,I have also read it does nothing for frostbite and I have read it may even cause frostbite. I'm so confused I really want to help him but I don't want to cause further damage. I need advice from people who live in areas with sub zero temperatures like my own.
Hi from S.E. Mich. I have read the same conflicting information but, I used petroleum jelly on my roosters and hens with large combs when I heard how bad the temps were going to be this week. I had one of my roosters loose some of his points to frostbite last years. I was out working in this weather for 7 hours straight with 14 degs as the high and wind chill at -16 and got severely chapped lips. Ouch : ( I tried chap-stick, blistex, medicated blistex, 100% aloe vera gel, neosporin and still had very painful lips all last night until I finally tried the petroleum jelly on my lips. Wow they feel so much better. My roosters sure seemed to enjoy having it put on their combs again last night and being out in - 4 was not painful to my lips with the petroleum jelly on them. I have to think it helps the combs on the chickens too. One of my roosters had just the being of black on his tips on Sunday and they seem to be getting better or at least no worse even with these negative temps the last few days.
I would say apply a thick layer of Vaseline to each chickens comb and wattle and also make sure blood is circulating well. If my cock or hen had a cold comb or wattle I massage it with the Vaseline for a whole until it warms up again
We have two roosters that have frostbite on their wattles. Our BO rooster is the better of the two, and is NOT HAPPY inside his dog crate in the garage.

His wattles are black at the tips. I'm wondering what to do next? Can I put him back outside in the coop as long as the temps are 20's and teens? I sure don't want him to get worse.

Any ideas?
Mine did really well until the temps got below -20F. So I don't see why not. I left mine in the coop the whole time just turned on a 2nd 100w bulb, from10pm til 4pm now that the temps have warmed up some I can cut back on the hours of light. I don't want them to start pecking at one another.
Thanks! We just put him out about an hour ago with his girls. It's amazing how loud it got out there again! We might bring him back in for tonight, and then he should be good. It's going to be well above freezing for the next several days and should give him some time to heal.

What temperature do the lights keep it in your coop? I don't start noticing frostbite until it gets below 10, anyway. I'm thinking if the lights kept it around 15-20 that should be good.

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