I live in the country. Yesterday my son drove up from the Nashville area and delivered my Christmas present. A 4x6 chicken coop!

Our chicken coop is a 4x6 coop. You can see it at https://www.backyardchickens.com/th...ruction-progress.1541236/page-4#post-26355611
We figured that 7 chickens was about right for that size. We live in N. Texas and have a couple Barred Rock chickens, a couple Buff Orpingtons, a couple Blue Australorps and an Easter Egger. These chicken types are all good layers, we purchased them in Jul-Aug this past summer and we have just started getting eggs from them a couple weeks ago this month. Do look into the breeds that are appropriate for your area of the country, there is helpful information in the articles and forums for figuring that out. Just be sure to read about taking care of new chicks, especially their requirements for warmth since we are now in the winter season. The learning center is a great place to learn about that and other questions you might have: https://www.backyardchickens.com/articles/categories/learning-center.11/
My wife and I wish you well with this new venture, and a Merry Christmas to you also!

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