I know chickens are creatures of habit, but…

So, a final thought…should I leave the coop light on until I return or just let them go in without the light? It is very dark inside the coop and I have been told that they have bad night vision so I worry they won’t be able to get on their roosting bars.:love
So, a final thought…should I leave the coop light on until I return or just let them go in without the light? It is very dark inside the coop and I have been told that they have bad night vision so I worry they won’t be able to get on their roosting bars.:love
Since you're only going to be back an hour or two later, I would just leave the light on, in this scenario.
I can't see any reason to turn off the light at this point, and if there are any straggles it might encourage them to go in.
However, in the normal way all my chickens go to bed before it gets dark, so they can still see the roosts. And even when something has disturbed and made them get off the roosts in the dark they seem surprisingly good at getting back on in the dark.
So your meeting is today, I'm not a day late. You are in Florida, weather is not an issue. You consider your run predator proof, so not an issue. The only choice you have is about the light, on or off. I don't see that it makes any real difference. If the light is on that one hen may harass the chicks so they stay in the run to sleep instead of in the coop. If it is off some may not be able to see to go to bed. If that's the case I'd add a window so they can see. But in either case you just put them in when you get home.
I can't see any reason to turn off the light at this point, and if there are any straggles it might encourage them to go in.
However, in the normal way all my chickens go to bed before it gets dark, so they can still see the roosts. And even when something has disturbed and made them get off the roosts in the dark they seem surprisingly good at getting back on in the dark.
Because of my schedule, I’m rarely around at the time that my chickens go to bed. I’ve got an automatic door to my coop that closes based on the amount of light it perceives. Sometimes I have a chicken that gets stuck outside and I just find where they’ve holed up for the night and put them in the coop. They always get into the roosting bars just fine without my help.
I always “tuck” my chickens in at nightfall, which is right around 6pm now. However, I have to attend an important meeting tomorrow and won’t get back until around 7:15. Their run is predator proof and it is attached to the coop where they can go in and out at will. There will be a light on in the coop until I get back to close up their pop door and turn out the light. My first time not closing them in at dark to settle in for the night. I guess I just need reassurance that this will work out…funny how I treat them like my kids…lol. What do y’all think?
I think you have the same coop/run that I have. It's perfect for this kind of thing. My coop is right out side of a glass door next to my desk, so I can keep an eye on them when they are in or near the coop. I give mine a treat tossed in an exercise pen that is attached to the coop. This is an additional XPen made for dogs that I attached to the original coop/run. I toss them treats in the outer pen, and then close the pen's door to keep them from free-ranging. They will go inside the coop's run and head up the ramp sometime around dusk, and I close the pop door for the night. When it's really hot, I keep that pop door open for ventilation and just keep the metal attached run door closed and latched. I agree that it's very secure to keep the pop door open when it's hot outside overnight.

Once when I was at a meeting and would be home after dark, I left them in the outer pen, and when I got home, they were all inside the coop on their roost. I was so proud of them, lol! I just closed their pop door and the coop/run door, then the XPen door and they were buttoned up for the night.

I'd bet your hens did the same.

My girls free-range all day and we've have never had a problem with a predator yet, so I took a chance that one wouldn't come into the outer pen with it's door secured, and it worked out fine. I just posted a description of my coop and XPen with photos, if you are interested, this is the link: https://www.backyardchickens.com/articles/my-small-coop-from-tractor-supply.78218/ You can see the "before," and how it looks with that outer run which gives the hens more room when they are confined in the "after."


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I always “tuck” my chickens in at nightfall, which is right around 6pm now. However, I have to attend an important meeting tomorrow and won’t get back until around 7:15. Their run is predator proof and it is attached to the coop where they can go in and out at will. There will be a light on in the coop until I get back to close up their pop door and turn out the light. My first time not closing them in at dark to settle in for the night. I guess I just need reassurance that this will work out…funny how I treat them like my kids…lol. What do y’all think?
I do the same. The first time I had to be late I panicked the entire time I was gone. They were of course fine, all snuggled up and cozy all by themselves when I got back. It doesn’t happen often and I still get a twinge in my gut every time I have to be late but, they are more self sufficient than they seem. If your coop is secure they will be too!

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