I have mites.... Help!!!

I just sprayed my coops yesterday, not because I suspect mites, but because I keep reading on here that everyone has mites. :hmm I don't remember when I should respray because it doesn't kill the eggs, and the bottle didn't say. Is it two weeks?
A week (7) days. Wild birds can introduce mites into your coops, if they can get in. I think that's how my coop got infested originally.
The only thing that worked for us last year and believe me, I did not want to do it. My ladies had almost instant relief. It works.
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Hi. You know what I can't find is information on whether I can spray the chicks or not. I am going out now to spray each hens vent, under wing (their pits) and the scruff of their necks. My gut tells me to hold off on spray for my 3 week old babies and perhaps just dust them. Anyone have or find the answer for my question?
I just sprayed my coops yesterday, not because I suspect mites, but because I keep reading on here that everyone has mites. :hmm I don't remember when I should respray because it doesn't kill the eggs, and the bottle didn't say. Is it two weeks?
Yup! I did mine every week instead though. Didn't want to give the newly hatched ones time to lay eggs!
Hi. You know what I can't find is information on whether I can spray the chicks or not. I am going out now to spray each hens vent, under wing (their pits) and the scruff of their necks. My gut tells me to hold off on spray for my 3 week old babies and perhaps just dust them. Anyone have or find the answer for my question?
My bottle specifically says don't use on animals under 10 weeks.
Edited because autocorrect drinks WAY to much and cannot spell. :rolleyes:

Oooh hadn't thought about a headlamp! Good call!
Best tool in my tool box, use it every night locking up birds.


I’ve been wondering the same thing about mites. I don’t see any, but I like to be preventative. Can I spray right on the pine chips, or do I need to take it all out and spray, then put fresh back in?
Then don't spray it, waste of money and may create resistance.

dog spot on applications containing permethrin.
Link to exact product please @birdwatercher64

I just sprayed my coops yesterday, not because I suspect mites, but because I keep reading on here that everyone has mites. :hmm I don't remember when I should respray because it doesn't kill the eggs, and the bottle didn't say. Is it two weeks?
If you don't see them ,then don't spray it, waste of money and may create resistance. If you do see them then every 7-10 days until you don't see them anymore.
If I leave the chicken coop empty for a long time. Will the mites die by their self? I don’t want to use any chemicals.
Some mites can live up to three months, as I recall.
If you have chickens who go outside, and/ or if wild birds come into your coop or run, you will have to deal with mites or lice, and some places with ticks. :old Only birds confined indoors, with no wild birds ever getting inside, won't have occasional issues with external parasites.
Sometimes you have to do what's best for your animals, including treating issues that come up.
Some mites can live up to three months, as I recall.
If you have chickens who go outside, and/ or if wild birds come into your coop or run, you will have to deal with mites or lice, and some places with ticks. :old Only birds confined indoors, with no wild birds ever getting inside, won't have occasional issues with external parasites.
Sometimes you have to do what's best for your animals, including treating issues that come up.
Thank you. Yes I will try my best for my chickens.
Hi guys. So I found out I have mites. I was looking at my latest pic of a chick's scabby wing healing, and spotted a mite!! I am HORRIFIED. Poor chickies must be so itchy...

Any recommendations for threads to read on how to get rid of them? It's a little hard to scrub the coop because it's a tractor. I would have to partially dismantle it... (Not my design... A second hand coop.) So is there anything I can spray to kill the buggers???

I ordered permethrin powder already and am going to see if I can get some DE.

So, I have a natural suggestion to help rid the coop of those pesky mites. Take the green parts of the juniper tree and toss it into your coop. Don't be to stingy on the amount of juniper used. The mites do not like the scent & will scramble to get out of the coop. This must be fresh cut juniper as it requires the fresh oil from the juniper tree cuttings to be successful in ridding the coop of mites.

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