I Had an Emu Run Through the Parking Lot at Work Today!


12 Years
Jan 12, 2008
Nor Cal
It ran within about three feet of me! They are some of the coolest birds! Then one of my co-workers said that he would like to go run it over with his truck!

And then I walk back inside and tell some other co-workers about it, and one lady in her forties says "That wasn't an emu, it was a peacock" and then rolls her eyes at me! I was raised with emus, I think I know one when I see one.

Anyways, AC tranq'd it twice and it still didn't faze it. They wound up accidentally chasing it into the road. I have no idea if they actually were able to catch it or not, but will let y'all know as soon as I find out.
We had some emus get loose in the county a few years back . It was on the local news. As we watched, we saw a familiar Landrover bouncing over the area. Our friend, Tony, was in hot pursuit as part of the local animal rescue group. He had a vehicle to give chase, others were on foot. The trio was finally rounded up, it was hysterical footage though!
There is a reported flock living wild in the next town over. They live in a wooded area of a subdivision. One of the women who lives there said last year they saw one with babies. Who knows how many are out there now!
Poor thing. It must be so scared.
I hope AC catches him soon and gets him into a safe environment where clowns like your co-worker don't desire to run it over! Sheesh.
LOL!!! A peacock!?!?! Where in the world has that lady been? You should send her links to feathersite pages of both the emu and the peacock and tell her to go educate herself!! LOL I could have understood had she said something like "No, that was an ostrich." Only because an ostrich is reasonably close to an emu, but a peacock??? LOL

I got a great laugh out of that. Thanks

One day last summer my dad called my grandmother from the field and said there was a ostrich attacking the tractor. It was an emu that got loose from somewhere nearby. It wouldnt move, he had to keep bumping it to get it out of the way!

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