I did it! I ordered my chicks today! Now I'm nervous.


In the Brooder
11 Years
Nov 20, 2008
After waiting a whole year from when I decided last year I wanted chickens, I finally placed my order.

I chose to order from Ideal. I was going to order from My Pet Chicken, but they haven't activated ordering. Last year I waited and waited and didn't end up being able to get the chicks I wanted.

I have a small order, so I purchased the insurance to avoid extra males. I hope they will be okay and all make it.
I know that I could lose some, so I am mentally preparing myself for the possibility and have told my 9 yo dd that it might happen. Hopefully, it won't.

They said the ship date will be March 11.

I ordered all pullets-

2 black Australorps

3 barred Plymouth Rocks

2 Buff Orpingtons

2 EE's

I am nervous now.
But, I am also happy and excited.


Now to finish buying the stuff I need like a light, pine shavings, a waterer, feeder and feed.
How far are they being shipped?

Personnally I would order at least a quarter of a box (25). It would be cheaper probably than the small order fee and handling fees and that way you end up with as many as you want rather than losses leaving you short. Then once they are 10-15 weeks old pick what you want to keep and sell the rest on craigslist to re-coup some of your investment.

It's not too late to change an order;)
I am looking to order chicks for the first time. I am glad to hear I am not the only one having to still pick up stuff for the chicks after they are ordered.
I know you are really going to enjoy this!! Having chickens can be a life changing experience... I judge the weather, by whether or not it is a good day for chickens!! They are so cute, your 9 year old will love them. A little friend of mine, asked about the chicks- "why are they so cute?" Make sure you take lots of pics. They literally change over night. Enjoy them!
Don't worry you will be picking up stuff after they arrive too. lol. I'm a newbie too and i hope you have as much fun with your chicks as i'm having. Best advice is to keep reading about as much as you can on here. It's a great souce of info. and the ppl are always willing to offer advise. BUT BEWARE... as you have already seen these ppl are chicken enablers and will always tell you to order more. I'm thinking about it already. lol Good Luck and enjoy your fuzzybutts.
Oh gosh i have to disagree. I think you should order just a few more than what you can house.

I have ten and they supply a ton of eggs and fill up the coop i made for them perfectly. If you get too many you have to deal with getting rid of them and having way too many roosters.

That's just my opinion though.

Hey acountrychick...this is Jodie from MS......do you know me????
Roosters? You only get them if you order too few pullets;) I can sell ready to lay pullets all day long around here. They move like hotcakes.
Hey! I don't think I know you.

I tried to get someone to split an order with me, and had no such luck. We have only room for a small amount of chickens. When I get more experience, perhaps I will feel more comfortable ordering more and trying to get buyers/takers for them.
Oops sorry!!
Someone from another board i visit just placed a smaller order of chicks similar to yours and she's new to this board too.

Welcome to BYC!!!

Also when you first get your chicks it's best to put paper towels down in your brooder instead of the pine shavings for a little bit. I believe it lets them get use to eating the food and they won't eat the shavings. Also makes for easier clean up if you ask me.

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