I choose a rooster to give a rose to, who did you chose to give your rose to? (Rooster)

gimmie birdies

Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Feb 12, 2013
Eastern WA
This is George. It is mud season. He is 4 months old. He knows his name and comes running to see me.

I chose George because he chose me. He walks between my legs, he stands on my foot, and he follows me around. He has never attacked me or pecked me. I hatched George from a white egg. He was my only white chick in the bunch. And one of the last if not the last to hatch.

Since he was small, I put him in with younger chicks to help raise them. He did a good job, but since his younger chicks were a small group, I think he became an individual. Plus I was always able to pick him out from all his pen mates since he was the only white one.

Yes, I could have chosen a rooster with better feathers, or better egg color, but I want a rooster that I look forward to seeing, and he me. As he is nice to me, I am sure when he starts to breed, he will be as caring with the hens as he was with these chicks and with me.

George gets my rose.

Who gets the rose in your flock?
No immature cockerel will get a rose. At four months, the hormones are barely beginning to erupt. The behavior at this tender age cannot be relied upon. in another two months you might easily see an abrupt behavior change. Springtime, with the pullets and older hens beginning to lay, can make the picture look entirely different. Your rose candidate may turn into a cockerel with only sex on his little mind, and he might even consider you a rival for the girls as a flood of hormones cloud his vision.

I suggest you wait and see what hormones do to his general temperament.
I have several sweetheart Roos with wonderful personalities, it is not easy to choose just 1. But I guess Baby Roo is the original sweetheart. I rescued him from a place he was being chased & pecked badly as a young cockerel. I went there to initially just get a few Ameraucana hens & ended up rescuing 12, with a sweet baby rooster half plucked bald being one of them. He was so traumatized, after they chased & caught him with a net, I held him as he shivered. I gently pet him & said, you poor boy, I will love you & take care of you. He stayed nestled on my lap the entire drive home. He was an absolute sweetie when I gently gave him a warm shampoo bath & he loved the warm hair dryer on low. He preened & actually gave me gentle peck kisses as I fluffed his feathers, then sat down on my lap and made a purr & little yip sound. He still makes those cute sounds today when he sits on my lap. I do believe he was so grateful to be away from that place (way too many chickens chasing & pecking him), he knows I rescued him.

Baby Roo, the sweetest boy ever, knows his name & loves to be hugged. When I say Good Morning Baby Roo, he jumps up on top of the gazebo & gives a good morning crow, then looks at me, waiting for me to say he is such a good boy! He will stand there looking at me & waiting for those words before he gets down for some pets. Love this sweet boy so much!
He is so gentle with hens & with raising other youngsters, including young roosters! He is truly an amazing boy. ❤️
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No immature cockerel will get a rose. At four months, the hormones are barely beginning to erupt. The behavior at this tender age cannot be relied upon. in another two months you might easily see an abrupt behavior change. Springtime, with the pullets and older hens beginning to lay, can make the picture look entirely different. Your rose candidate may turn into a cockerel with only sex on his little mind, and he might even consider you a rival for the girls as a flood of hormones cloud his vision.

I suggest you wait and see what hormones do to his general temperament.
Sometimes they get feisty in Spring, but I've been fortunate with 13 Roosters that have remained totally sweet with me over the years, variety of breeds, too. So, ya never know. Time usually will tell. I've only had one Rooster become ornery, but he was ornery from get-go. Luckily, the "scoop em up & tuck under your arm & carry" method worked well for him, so he never became stew. 😉

My ornery boy Rocky, he likes to run up sneaky & spur (not really hard) the back of your leg, then run away, literally saying "Ha, Ha, Ha".
King of Stink Eye, but Once he is on my lap he purrs in contentment being fussed over. 🤣
My 1st Roo, too, an old man now. No rose for you dude, but you do make me laugh, so some chickweed for ya.
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Loudest big mouth crower, too
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I have several sweetheart Roos with wonderful personalities, it is not easy to choose just 1. But I guess Baby Roo is the original sweetheart. I rescued him from a place he was being chased & pecked badly as a young cockerel. I went there to initially just get a few Ameraucana hens & ended up rescuing 12, with a sweet baby rooster half plucked bald being one of them. He was so traumatized, after they chased & caught him with a net, I held him as he shivered. I gently pet him & said, you poor boy, I will love you & take care of you. He stayed nestled on my lap the entire drive home. He was an absolute sweetie when I gently gave him a warm shampoo bath & he loved the warm hair dryer on low. He preened & actually gave me gentle peck kisses as I fluffed his feathers, then sat down on my lap and made a purr & little yip sound. He still makes those cute sounds today when he sits on my lap. I do believe he was so grateful to be away from that place (way too many chickens chasing & pecking him), he knows I rescued him.

Baby Roo, the sweetest boy ever, knows his name & loves to be hugged. When I say Good Morning Baby Roo, he jumps up on top of the gazebo & gives a good morning crow, then looks at me, waiting for me to say he is such a good boy! He will stand there looking at me & waiting for those words before he gets down for some pets. Love this sweet boy so much!
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He is so gentle with hens & with raising other youngsters, including young roosters! He is truly an amazing boy. ❤️
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He's a beauty Liz! :love

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