How excited are you about my ducks? lol

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Bridger Davis

Jul 25, 2017
Evans Colorado
I'm sure most of you don't remember me, but last year I got super excited and happy thinking I was going to get ducks, but my parents said I couldn't. This year, I had nearly forgotten about ducks altogether, but when I brought it up, they said I could get them!!! (They also got me an ice cream cake:eek::love) I'm just so excited and I had to share!!! I will be getting Cayuga and Pekin (2-3 of each breed not completely sure on how many I am getting yet..) and they will all be female. YAAAAAAY!!!!!!!! Oh and I was hoping to get magpie because of their prolific egg production, but no one carries them I'll need all the help I can get once I'm a duck dad, so brace yourselves!! BTW does anyone know how many eggs per year Cayuga and Pekin lay? Thanks so much!!!!:clap:wee:ya:thumbsup
I'm sure most of you don't remember me, but last year I got super excited and happy thinking I was going to get ducks, but my parents said I couldn't. This year, I had nearly forgotten about ducks altogether, but when I brought it up, they said I could get them!!! (They also got me an ice cream cake:eek::love) I'm just so excited and I had to share!!! I will be getting Cayuga and Pekin (2-3 of each breed not completely sure on how many I am getting yet..) and they will all be female. YAAAAAAY!!!!!!!! Oh and I was hoping to get magpie because of their prolific egg production, but no one carries them I'll need all the help I can get once I'm a duck dad, so brace yourselves!! BTW does anyone know how many eggs per year Cayuga and Pekin lay? Thanks so much!!!!:clap:wee:ya:thumbsup
:celebrateThat’s great!
If you want eggs for eating, KC and runners would be better. For the first time since they started laying about 6 weeks in a row, our Pekin has layed three days in a row. Sometimes she takes off for two days. The K/c and Rouen lay almost every day

I was just recently thinking about the khaki cambell and I would be totally up for having three different breeds, so long as they got along... Would they? How about 2 of each, Pekin, Cayuga, and Khaki cambell or Rouen? Oh and is their anything that makes those two breeds different from the others? Thanks!!
But if you want a duck you can hold i would suggest a Pekin. khakis are very skittish but if you are lucky like i was my one Kaki bonded with me as a chick and he sits on my shoulder or head and walks around with me he comes when i call him and is very intelligent likes hanging out with me and my Pekin is the same.
View attachment 1718450 View attachment 1718451 But if you want a duck you can hold i would suggest a Pekin. khakis are very skittish but if you are lucky like i was my one Kaki bonded with me as a chick and he sits on my shoulder or head and walks around with me he comes when i call him and is very intelligent likes hanging out with me and my Pekin is the same.

Awwwwwww!! Omigosh thanks for the pictures I love them I would personally probably not worry about skittishness only because I know I will hold and coddle them so much the will have to love me LOL

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