I better like chickens..... Im all in on coop construction.

Don't worry, they have a way of convincing you to serve love them.

You seem to have some skills in the carpentry department!
Only thing I noticed is that you mentioned chicken wire rather than Hardware Cloth. It makes a big difference in the safety of your birds. If you haven't already opened the roll, I would return it and get 1/2 Hardware Cloth instead.
I'm guessing you probably didn't get much coop building done today after you picked up your little cuties. Chicken math and chicken TV are both very real!

BYC has a current coop contest; you are a great candidate since you are just now beginning your coop and run build. Look over the rules and go for it.🙂

and chicken wire delivered.
I didn't see a picture of the wire you purchased. Could you post a picture of it? Chicken wire was originally meant to keep chickens out of gardens, but nearly every chicken predator on planet earth can easily defeat chicken wire. If you purchased actual chicken wire, many on this forum will encourage you to return and exchange for a stronger wire such as chain link, 1/2" inch hardware cloth, welded wire, etc. Chicken wire has resulted in the tragic deaths of countless chickens because people didn't understand its true purpose.
Hello, fellow Wisconsite! Congrats on the chicks! I have had chickens for two years now and last summer we refurbished a 8x10 shed for our chickens. One thing we did when building it was add insulation in the walls. It does help a bit, especially with our cold winters. Still had to use heat lamps for the cold snaps we had this year.
So, after installing laminate flooring in 1200 square feet of my home, I felt I earned my Jr Carpenter badge and would tackle coop building.

I drew basic sketches of plans, read a lot here, put together a lumber order and $1200 later I had boards, sand, plywood, roofing, stain and chicken wire delivered.

I'll add to this post as I go, because my Facebook friends would disown me if I continually posted chicken stuff there.

I'm only allowed 4 chickens (but I'll try to sneak in a 5th). The coop will be 4x5 and 4 feet tall, raised 2' off ground. The attached run will be 5x16 including the space under coop.

My total cost estimate including brooder, i really appreciate al the work tou have put inoto yor building.equipment, auto door, chick's and all the food for 2 years is $2000. Yep. Most of that already spent, don't even have chick's yet.

The following pics take you from conception to rough in. I'm building it modularity in the garage by wall sections as it's 40 degrees yet, and rainy season in Wisconsin. A couple screws will temporarily hold solid wall sections together a3s I hopefully measure, cut and place to exact fit!

It's a work in progres
s as I refine my plan as pieces are assembled.

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