Hypothetically-- Could you make a super friendly chicken breed?



Sep 20, 2020
Southern U.S
I'm daydreaming about the point when i'll have my own place and, therefore, as many chickens as I want. And while i'm at it, i'm thinking about different breeding projects that would be fun to work on (because I think it would be super fun to start a project and see my progress over the years.)
Anyways, i'm wondering if could I create a super friendly chicken breed? (i'm aware there already are friendly chicken breeds, but i'm thinking about friendly chickens that produce consistently friendly offspring. Also, i'm not just thinking about chickens that are simply docile enough to manage, but chickens that are personable and would love to be around people.)
By choosing the only snuggliest and least skittish of personalities, would one be able to eventually create a consistently friendly chicken? (with even consistently friendly roosters?) Would I have to worry about killing their survival instincts? Or could I get them to be friendly with humans but wary of predators?
If I was to go about it, would it be best to not socialize them as much as chicks, and wait to see which ones are naturally friendly, without any training, or would I try to make them as friendly as possible and just choose the friendliest ones?
I don't know, just something fun to think about :)


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Aggressiveness is a trait but most game birds/fighting cocks are actually pretty mellow unless they're trained.
There's no training, that's false information. They're bred that way.
But that's also some conversation that's not really allowed on this site.

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