Humidity setting for silkies


Apr 17, 2020

I have european silkies, usa silkies ans cream legbar. For all 3 I have eggs in the incubator.
I notice the weight loss of the silkies is quite more than the cream legbar eggs (eggs weighed separately with precision scale but I also try by weighing the complete tray) so I can predict the final weightloss based on the current settings.
Generally speaking, 12,5% is an ideal weightloss based on what I read so far.

however I measured 14,5% for the silkies and 12,5% for the legbar eggs using 45 degrees humidity for the first 7 days. The legbar eggs are always hatching very good but I haven't found the right setting for silkies. I decided to increase humidity from 45 to 55 aiming only at the silkie egg weight loss and try to get it to 13%
I hope I won't ruin this batch.

Are you guys seeing that also? what weight loss are you guys aiming at for silkies? they seem to hatch harder.
Could I get deformed chicks because of the higher humidity?
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I fear the weighing is not the best way. I'm getting close to the 18th day and the airchambers seem too small. I lowered the humidity and hope to increase the chamber again.

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