How to use and apply VetrX

One of chicks recently due to a respiratory problem and I was helpless because I couldnt do anything so I went and bought 3 bottles vetrx because I dont want no more chickens dying from respiratory issues the little dude had open mouth breathing so does anyone know how to apply and use it on hens and chicks
Would its effect not work If my hens and chicks are drinking corid water
I'm treating because I've started seeing bloody poop in their coop and I'm giving little ones for prevention because the chance of them getting it is high
Where are you located in the world?

You should have had an instruction leaflet inside the box, but here's all the ways that VetRx can be administered. While it's not a cure for any disease, it may help alleviate some symptoms.

More information would be good - you had a respiratory problem - what are the symptoms you are seeing? Coughing, sneezing, mucous, bubbles in the eyes, pus in the eyes, facial swelling, etc.
Depending on which respiratory disease you are dealing with, an antibiotic may help treat symptoms. Bacteria like disease like Mycoplasma is commonly treated with Tylosin, while Infectious Coryza would require a sulfa drug. Viral diseases have to run their course, but often there can be secondary infection which needs to be treated with an antibiotic. Again, depends on what you are dealing with, birds may be carriers for the rest of their life even when they recover.

How old are the chickens that were/are sick?

Corid will treat Coccidiosis, so if that is the cause of blood in the poop, then it's wise to continue with treatment. Liquid Corid dose is 2 tsp per gallon of water and Powdered Corid is 1 1/2 tsp per gallon of water. Give as the only source of drinking water for 5-7 days.

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