How to treat Ringworm fast?


Dec 3, 2023
I recently bought a rooster that needed to be rehomed. But after observing him I noticed a few white pimple like spots on his comb. So after research and posting some pictures on here it was concluded it’s Favus(ringworm). So this is the fifth day of treating it I’m using over the counter Lotrimin with a drop of Tea tree oil. So far I haven’t seen any changes and I’m getting impatient. Hes been isolated from the hens since I got him and I feel just awful especially because it’s still getting so cold at night in Michigan we have to put him in our shed with some safe heat cause his comb will start turning purple if he’s in the cold too long. I’m just frustrated maybe I need to be patient but I’m wondering if there’s anything else anyone has tried that’s seen quick results in treating fungus. Not going to lie I get so temped to just put him with the flock so he has company and is warm but I know ringworm can spread like wildfire so help! 😭
Resist the temptation to put him with the know better :)

Ringworm simply does NOT clear quickly. That is the bane of ringworm. You must be consistent, applying the antifungal faithfully. It takes at least 2 weeks to make an impact, likely a month to clear.

You don't want this going through the flock....or worse...the family.


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