How to stop chickens from roosting in aframe


May 24, 2020
Pittsburgh, PA
My Coop
My Coop
My coop is a tall Aframe. My younger hens started sleeping on the little ledge along the roof ridge which is above my head… roughly 6ft high. I tried moving them at night and ultimately gave up because they were so persistent. Now I’m afraid I’ve created a habit I can’t break.

I ended up adding another 2x4 to act as a step down but they prefer to fly down.

One of my hens was limping today and I have to imagine that’s why.

Tonight I put up some mesh netting (that they could see) but they attempted again… and again… and again.

here’s a photo of my setup. There’s another roost bar I drew in red. Above that is a small 2x4 “step” I made to help them get up top. (You can also see the pullets sleeping in the top left corner on the frame.)

Should I staple cardboard or something more firm up there instead of netting?

I can add some additional height roost bars if needed. I’d just prefer they’re not sleeping up so high and risk injury.


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Chickens like to roost at the highest point possible. Either make that inaccessible or use deep bedding in the coop to cushion their landing. Good luck.
In my coop I have a 2x4 across one wall to the other that I can hang a feeder & waterer from, I had concerns about my birds wanting to roost up there so I used some extra plywood to go from that beam up to the rafter. No edge to perch on that way. In this picture its hard to see but its there, my feed & water are outside in the run right now but theres a older small feeder hanging with grit & oyster shell in it. The orange cord that you see going under it goes from the feed room to the pop door, lets me raise/lower door without walking through the coop. I have a automatic door now but haven’t installed it, Kind of like my “gilligans island” rigging .

In my coop I have a 2x4 across one wall to the other that I can hang a feeder & waterer from, I had concerns about my birds wanting to roost up there so I used some extra plywood to go from that beam up to the rafter. No edge to perch on that way. In this picture its hard to see but its there, my feed & water are outside in the run right now but theres a older small feeder hanging with grit & oyster shell in it. The orange cord that you see going under it goes from the feed room to the pop door, lets me raise/lower door without walking through the coop. I have a automatic door now but haven’t installed it, Kind of like my “gilligans island” rigging .

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If they roost on the right side in the picture, just build them a ladder to get up there.
Chickens like to roost at the highest point possible. Either make that inaccessible or use deep bedding in the coop to cushion their landing. Good luck.
I tried but they’re still attempting to get up there and falling from 6ft high… I’m just trying to figure out block it off safely.

Im wondering if I use say play wood or something more robust if they’ll still attempt to get up there.

Maybe my best bet is to build a better ladder system and hope they use that.
I have a similar wall, and use these to keep them from perching up there. They are plastic and don’t hurt the birds, just deters them.

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