How to Repel Peacocks????


10 Years
Aug 6, 2010
Ludowici, GA.
My neighbor has a lot of Peacocks which seem to like our yard a lot better that his yard. They love to eat the flowers on our front porch. I am looking for something I can put around my house to help repel the Peacocks. Don't want to make a big deal about this with my neighbor/friend but the Peacocks make a mess around our house with their poo and eating every plant we have around the house.
Sorry, I don't know of any repellent that works on peas, BUT you can train them to stay off your property if you consistently chase them off. Between you and their owners you should get pretty good time coverage. Maybe Zaz will supply her expertise. I think she trains hers to stay away from her daughters' place.
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Hello! Sorry to hear you are having a pea visitor problem. They are very curious and do like to eat flowers!

I don't suppose you have a dog? A little bit of chasing by a dog can train them to stay away, although I don't suggest this if your dog might injure the birds.

I'm sorry to say that, other than that, I don't believe that there is anything you can do to keep them off of your property. The only thing that will definitely stop them is if your neighbor pens them.

Some of our group members can probably suggest things you can plant that the peas won't want to eat...
Sorry, I don't know of any repellent that works on peas, BUT you can train them to stay off your property if you consistently chase them off. Between you and their owners you should get pretty good time coverage. Maybe Zaz will supply her expertise. I think she trains hers to stay away from her daughters' place.

Yes, and I totally want to know how she does that, too! C'mon @zazouse , teach us how to train peas to stay out of the wrong yards, pleeze

I'm thinking the dog solution (if it's a dog that won't kill the peas) is workable too -- maybe with an invisible fence? I've used those with dogs, and they worked well -- then the peas would eventually figure out that anywhere in your yard was a bad place to be....

But Zaz somehow does it without dogs chasing them off...
I only have one neighbor and that is my daughter, i am home 24/7 and each year i have to teach the new babies where not to go, it takes time and you have to be there to correct them just like you would when training a dog, my dogs do not go to my daughters house unless i go over there and the peas are never allowed over there, if one does see something strange over there and decide to chance it all i have to do is fuss at them and they come right back and if they do not i send the herding dogs after them and they come flying home,
I only have one neighbor and that is my daughter, i am home 24/7 and each year i have to teach the new babies where not to go, it takes time and you have to be there to correct them just like you would when training a dog, my dogs do not go to my daughters house unless i go over there and the peas are never allowed over there, if one does see something strange over there and decide to chance it all i have to do is fuss at them and they come right back and if they do not i send the herding dogs after them and they come flying home,
Zaz, it sounds so simple when you put it like that

So Sega, I guess if you run out of your house and discourage them every time they show up, maybe that will work after a bit.

Hey,does anybody know what happens if you squirt free-rangers with a hose? Mine aren't totally crazy about me spraying the hose in the pen, but are sort of accustomed to water getting sprayed around. They do walk away from it. Maybe if you left the hose on the porch and sprayed them every time you caught them there, along with some verbal admonishment, they might start getting the message?

Or you could see about renting Zaz's dogs
The squirt-with-the-hose thing will drive them away, but it doesn't seem to work in the longer term.
I tried this when we first got Peggy and he was very sick with pneumonia, and some of the other bully peaboys kept chasing him and hounding him.
If I gave them a little squirt with the hose they went away and left him alone, but it never lasted long, they came right back.
The same thing happened when I tried just chasing them away, they came right back, so I don't think that approach is very effective either.
But our neighbor got a new puppy that likes to chase peas and it worked like a charm - they never go over to his house any more.
I purchased some Fox Pee and have been spraying it on all the flower and around the porch. Seems to be working. They have stopped eating the flowers and are not coming on the porch.
I purchased some Fox Pee and have been spraying it on all the flower and around the porch. Seems to be working. They have stopped eating the flowers and are not coming on the porch.
I would not come on your porch either or eat your flowers either

Fox pea does not detoured my peas, i smell it pretty often out on my walks with the peas perhaps they have found a more interesting place to hang for now, might need a back up plan

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