How to reintroduce a hen to flock? ( after horrible attempt)


In the Brooder
Mar 1, 2021
would anyone know about reintroducing the hen to the others becuz I tried this morning with our broody hen that was separated (her eggs where bad so we removed them) and it went horribly, like the only thing that didn’t go wrong was no one was hurt(besides me) but their was some serious conflict I’m afraid will repeat if I attempt it again, so any thoughts/ideas? I don’t want to put her back inside the separate coop and have her be lonely
Start by putting her in a separate cage-thing. Where she can see the rest of the flock, but cannot get to them. Some sort of dog crate should work. Just but her in the coop at night. Do this for...a few weeks. A couple may be enough. Then when you are introducing them with no cage between them, first spread food on the ground so they don't notice her immediately
When I did this with new hens, I separated them for about...3 weeks and then let them meet. It is totally normal for them to peck eachother, but big fights, should not happen. Although my rooster was a bit more suspicious than the rest of the flock.
Start by putting her in a separate cage-thing. Where she can see the rest of the flock, but cannot get to them. Some sort of dog crate should work. Just but her in the coop at night. Do this for...a few weeks. A couple may be enough. Then when you are introducing them with no cage between them, first spread food on the ground so they don't notice her immediately
Won’t that knock her down tho in pecking order? Cuz she was the head hen of everyone. Like seven today when the drama went down she whooped the other 4 which are her kids (2 roosters,2 hens) and the head rooster even started trying to attack the others (which I know seems normal for the males to fight but I’ve never experienced rooster infighting in my flock not even anything that would seem like aggression has taken place)
Won’t that knock her down tho in pecking order? Cuz she was the head hen of everyone. Like seven today when the drama went down she whooped the other 4 which are her kids (2 roosters,2 hens) and the head rooster even started trying to attack the others (which I know seems normal for the males to fight but I’ve never experienced rooster infighting in my flock not even anything that would seem like aggression has taken place)
It really depends on your flock. I would not worry much though, they will reestablish the pecking order. But this is what happens normally if hens go broody for too long.
It really depends on your flock. I would not worry much though, they will reestablish the pecking order. But this is what happens normally if hens go broody for too long.
My flock has the most complicated pecking order built on a dictatorship with the tiny and only bantam being second in charge of the coop like the circus of events that happened today I don’t think is normal for them
Becuz to be honest I’m not scared of them hurting mama I’m scared of her hurting them
It sounds like she went in determined to regain her place as soon as possible.
The cage inside the coop works well. None will get really hurt and they can get used to her being there. I always take better treats out and put some around the cage as well as some inside for the one in the cage. I figure that way they will associate the newcomer with yummy treats.
Like to explain the surviving original chickens of my flock last year are a island red rooster(Clark Kent), a bantam rooster(Floyde), and a australorp hen(mama). They had four chicks (2roosters,2hens) last September for the first time letting mama keep her eggs. And they never fought unless mama pecked them to keep them in line I guess but nothing to bad or concerningly aggressive but she does run the coop with a iron beak. Now Clark was always protective of mama basically in love with her always is what i would say like he only doesn’t attack me if she decides to run to me for treats or to pet. Floyde is always under one of them.
When mama went broody we turned our cat shed into a large chicken coop so she wouldn’t be bothered and put them all in thier except her. The eggs where duds so we removed them yesterday and today I opened her coop and she ran to my feet so I thought ok I can put her in the new coop. Yeah no
As soon as I walked in I guess Clark thought I was butchering his beloved he hadn’t seen in a while and full blown Sparta attacked me and I dropped mama. Immediately the others surround her and start attacking her and they go out to the runner so I have to run out the coop and they another door to the run area. Clark has started attacking one son while Floyde attacks one of the opposing hens. As soon as I walk inside Clark stops and goes to attack me so now I’m fighting thru them and manage to get mama behind me and out the door and Clark and Floyde run after her(not to hurt her just to follow her calmly). thier is a brief fight when two young roosters get rowdy and they fight the screen fence separating them and Clark does his intimidation dance while Floyde shuffles against mama. Now I go back In to pick up the water and food that was knocked over outside and of course I didn’t notice the door blow open in the wind so now they run out and sinse they never been out side the coop unlike the oldest three who where free ranged most of the time I panic and run to get them.
Of course Clark attacks me while they go to gang up on mama who then whoops thier butts (very shocking as she was cornered in the coop) and Chases them except one into the coop. Now I decide to let those three outside for the day. Floyde chases the rooster into the coop later for me.
So that’s kinda what happened so she is like self sufficient and honestly I’m not worried about her I’m worried about the others cuz she is nice to me but very mean spirited to the other four and I’m scared she will start a fight and then Clark who is twice the roosters size will hurt them as well sinse he seems to know who mama is and prefer her over the others.
So if I do the cage and they get rowdy he may attack them and start a whole new fight as he has proven to do early today. But if I separate them then Clark may lose status in the overall group and it be like putting to flocks into one maybe

basically I’m dealing with a supposed civil war inside my flock they may divide at anytime into two sides

so should I maybe put the roosters into a cage instead? The two young boys are very well bonded
Being as you have two set ups, put mamma back where she was. Add a single bird to her. They will duke it out, but it will be one on one. WAIT.

Then after a week, add a pair to this pair. Again even number, two on two. Another dust up, but again it should not be too bad, if it is, pick a different pair. WAIT until this settles down.

Then I would flip them for a day ( a lot of dinking around, I know) but I would put them each in the others coop/run. Wait two days, let everyone free range, in a neutral territory.
Let them go back to whichever coop they want. 2-3 days, then close up the coop you no longer want them to use.

Mrs K

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