How to Raise Good Show Turkeys


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 26, 2014
Hello y'all, this is my second year raising Broad-Breasted White (commercial strain) turkeys for show (At rodeos and local FFA show) and I was wondering what methods I can use to increase my chances at winning. I had loads of fun this year and I didn't do bad, so I really want to continue to raise turkeys. What I did was keep my turkeys in a medium sized coop with a small outdoor pen and fed them show feed (Purina and Showmaster) 24/7. I fed cracked corn occasionaly. Is there anything I should change, because I really want to get Grand Champion this year, I'm just behind as I haven't been raising turkeys for multiple generations like most of the other people at show! Thanks!
Also when holding a turkey upside down, I can get a turkey to have a very large base (bottom), but what can I feed to help them maintain that width to decrease taper?
My daughter is raising turkey's for the county fair . She is in 4H. We are feeding Purina Gamebird feed. They have a run to be in for parts of the day so they will eat. Then I let them out to roam around and forage in an area 65x30. They are hanging out with my chickens and a rooster. When the chickens head to the coop they go in there too. Turkey's are 10 weeks today and probably weigh 12 or 13 pounds. They will end up eating about 115 pounds of feed in 20 weeks (they are both toms). Hens eat about 85 pounds each. While they are out in the big area they are now interested in trolling in the produce scraps I put out. They especially enjoy strawberry hulls and lettuce. I am crazy but I talk to them all the time and they have great personalities. They are becoming more curious every day. When they see me coming they lope up to me looking for treats just like the chickens do. It is really fun so far.
Grow them for 20 weeks, feed them Purina Gamebird feed and let them get to know you. Also it depends on the judge at the fair and what he will be looking for. Good luck!!
Hi im new too and starting with chickens but soon as I can I want a few turkeys. Big family and we can put a 15lb turkey away in 2 days of munching. So I will need to keep a running bunch. My daughter freaked when I mentioned how much they eat. I hope we can free range but gathering stuff to munch is no problem here and once I get more language skills asking for veggies scraps from the local markets will be an easy food supply. What should I look for? Should I buy older turkeys (months) or like my chickens start with babies to ensure good health? Pretty much its buyer beware here. No way to take back sick, or otherwise bad birds. What do I need to watch for too ensure I get healthy babies? I cant do incubator yet but once I have proper setup its a plan. Im in north africa so thats an issue too.
Chickens need feed as well as foraging and scraps. Cultivate a relationship with a restaurant or a market to supplement the feed.
I would start with turkey poults just like chickens. Turkeys need a 250 watt light over them fir the first 4 or 5 weeks. They can go outside unprotected after they are larger than chickens so the hawks are not as likely to get them.
Turkey poults are available from late Feb until June here in California.
hope this helps. Turkeys are really fun and they do get along with chickens.
I found an article online about a company that is providing chickens here for food as well as breeding. I wrote them an email and I hope they will respond. I know a few people who have turkeys on their land who have offered me eggs once I can manage them. Unless I get some monster chickens they would easily fill the coup I just banged together in a matter of weeks and I got 5 babies thst will need to go outside in 2 months. I got a field of forage weeds outside my gate and numerous veggi markets im sure will keep me in greens year round until I get my green house built. Thanks for the info. Need to read up on turkeys now lol.
Yes, turkeys are a lot of fun and make sure you don't get to attached! I had a friend this year who got 50 turkey poults while I attained 25. I kept all of mine alive as poults where as she lost a little more than half of her babies to suffocation. While they are young and in a brooding box, make sure it has rounded edges to prevent poult buildup and make sure it isn't too small. A 5ft diameter is good for 25 poults.

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