How to put water in each Rooster jail?


10 Years
Feb 23, 2009
Walkertown, North Carolina
I bought two of those waterers that are supposed to be for rabbits, or small pets...the kind with a tube about a quarter inch in diameter with a ball in it. I thought I read that chickens will drink from that so? Do they learn to poke the ball and get the water out or is this wishful thinking on my part?

I need something to water individual roosters in their jail cells. Right now what I'm using gets dirty from feed, and straw...some self-contained, non-open top system is needed. Something that sits on the floor will not work, there is deep straw in each jail cell.

Terry in TN
Yes, they should use it. I put one out for my chicks & roos & to my surprise they took right to it. Smartie pants.
you can also use pop bottle waters...they go on the bottom of a plastic bottle and give an open space of water to drink from you can hang it at whatever height from the side of the cage
Won't the plastic waterers freeze solid and be difficult to get the ice out?
I just use the black rubber low buckets from the tractor supply. I keep one in each run and my runs have hay. No issues so far...I just take a pitcher of hot water out once in the morning and once before bed and add it on top of the ice. By the end of the week I dump the buckets(the pliable rubber it GREAT for ice!) and then I just start fresh again! This works for me???
Sorry not trying to discourage ya!
Keri, I heat the coop to above freezing. I know I don't have to but it bothers me when me and the dogs are inside where it is toasty and warm and I open the door to let one of them out to do their 'business' and the frigid air hits me. I can't stand the thought of the chickens outside in the coop. It is not drafty, but it is too cold for me. This year I'll insulate it. It was only built this last summer. I need to put windows in too...I'm very anxious for Spring!!
Terry in TN

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