How to Keep My Dogs Out of a Chicken Coop


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 14, 2014
I am getting chickens soon. I have a few things to do to the backyard before I start getting a coop put together. I was planning on putting a coop in our old chain link dog kennel. The kennel is 10x10. My only concern is keeping the dogs out! We have a black lab and a springer spaniel. They both LOVE to dig, and they are both bird dogs. That's why I am concerned about them getting into the coop. What are some ways that I could keep them from getting into the coop?

I already thought that maybe I could put some heavy duty wire under the kennel and bury it but still have it attached to the kennel somehow. I also think I might need to put some chicken wire around the lower portion of the kennel to make sure the chickens don't manage to get out because of the dogs, and the fact that it's illegal for them to be out of the coop area in city limits.

Does anyone have any tips for keeping the dogs out?

I am not worried about any other animals, except for maybe cats, but honestly they don't worry me very much considering they can't dig like the dogs can.

I think the wildest thing that was ever in our backyard was I don't really need to worry about coyotes or anything getting in.
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Hello from Oregon!
First let me say....don't use 'chicken wire' at all! Chicken wire is a piece of cake not only for your dogs but for any other predators that want's like butter to them, they can tear it up in an instant. I would highly recommend using 1/2" hardware cloth only.

As to how to build up the bottom of your dog kennel, here's a couple of pics to give you a better idea:

Hope this helps...all the best!
Welcome!! Use hardware cloth, well attached, as above. Everybody loves chicken; you will have critters coming for your birds that you've never seen before. There are lots of good ideas here, and lots of sad stories about 'too little, too late'. You won't regret overbuilding the coop and run! Mary
I dug out under my coop about 4" deep. Then laid fencing and used 4x4 lawn timbers to hold it in place. Even wrapped the fencing around the timbers. I then screwed the base of the coop to those 4x4 timbers. Works great and passed my labs test when he tried to dig under and failed. Keeps all predators from digging under and the chickens from scratching out, as well.

Hope that helps.

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