How to get three day old chick to find and eat food


Jun 1, 2018
Hello everyone, I am a new chicken mum and have a question about how to get them to eat food and drink water. I have read posts on here where it was said to not worry if the chick isn’t eating as it has the yolk from it’s one egg. My little silky is three days old now and I showed him/her where the water is and the food. But he isn’t interested in it. I put his peek in it to show I also scratched the ground to make him more aware were the food is. My questions is will it go and search once it gets hungry or will it starve itself as he doesn’t know how to get food? I tried egg today and he wasn’t interested. Do I have to worry or will instinct kick in and he will know that he needs to look for the food?
My very first clutch hatched out a week ago and it was kinda similar, they were a little disinterested for the first few days and then after that they were happy to eat. Once they know where the water is and you have gently dipped their beaks into it and watched them have a little drink you can leave them at it. Mine are now mad for their chick crumb, admittedly the little devils keep knocking over their feeder and drinker. Its like having ten messy toddlers that are high on sugar.
He might not be very hungry yet since he is just a new baby, but I've had a mother hen show her babies how to eat the very same day they hatch, so I'm not sure. I also would think that he would start getting hungry by now, too. Try gently dipping his beak in water a couple times to make him understand that is how he gets a drink. I've also had luck picking up a few bits of food and scattering it at their feet, rather than in the feeder. That seems to help them understand that it is food more. Do you have just one chick or more than one? I've found that as soon as one begins pecking at food and drinking, the rest see him and will begin copying.
My very first clutch hatched out a week ago and it was kinda similar, they were a little disinterested for the first few days and then after that they were happy to eat. Once they know where the water is and you have gently dipped their beaks into it and watched them have a little drink you can leave them at it. Mine are now mad for their chick crumb, admittedly the little devils keep knocking over their feeder and drinker. Its like having ten messy toddlers that are high on sugar.
I have dipped his beak in a few times. I hope he will soon learn we’re everything is. He peeps a lot so unsure if he is hungry or what is going on
He might not be very hungry yet since he is just a new baby, but I've had a mother hen show her babies how to eat the very same day they hatch, so I'm not sure. I also would think that he would start getting hungry by now, too. Try gently dipping his beak in water a couple times to make him understand that is how he gets a drink. I've also had luck picking up a few bits of food and scattering it at their feet, rather than in the feeder. That seems to help them understand that it is food more. Do you have just one chick or more than one? I've found that as soon as one begins pecking at food and drinking, the rest see him and will begin copying.
He is the only one we have had luck getting out the fertile eggs we were hatching. Yes I have bearded that others would teach each other. That’s why I am concerned of what to do with him. I put food at his feet and showed him the feeder too
He is the only one we have had luck getting out the fertile eggs we were hatching. Yes I have bearded that others would teach each other. That’s why I am concerned of what to do with him. I put food at his feet and showed him the feeder too

I was just about to ask if he is a lone chick.

Can you get him a couple chicks from a feed store to keep him company?

I would have him on paper towels for the first week. You can sprinkle his chick starter on it which helps a lot.
Silkies are small so try crushing the food so it is more like sand in size.

About the peeping....
If the brooder is set up well so he has a warm and a cool area he is likely lonely.
It would be a really good idea to get him 2 or 3 little friends under 5 days old.
The lone chick I have quickly learned to eat and drink from shallow pot saucers when I used my finger like a beak to tap into the saucers. The little one caught on right away!

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