how to edit signature???

I am new on BYC and trying to add a signature, I have looked for this on my profile and it is not there. Do you have to have so many post or something before the signature feature can be used ? I figured it would be listed where you can edit everything else on your profiles but it is not. I went to bottom of profile page and it is not there either. Can somebody help me I would like to have a signature so I don't have to type it in evertime I post on a thread.

Here's a screenshot:
Did you scroll almost all the way to the bottom of your profile? It should be there.
Are you in your actual profile? (By clicking on your username or the brown tab on the top that says "My Profile")?
I have clicked on both the brown tab and the one at top in black that says log out next to it.. is there another I need to click on?????...... I have scrolled all the way down and don't see any signature option anywhere... I have found where to add photos , how to add a avatar picture and where you can add a profile picture but see no siggy place at all
........ I will keep looking if ya'll say it is there then I am just over looking it and probably when I find it I will have the "DUH " moment of how did I miss it

Did you scroll almost all the way to the bottom of your profile? It should be there.
Are you in your actual profile? (By clicking on your username or the brown tab on the top that says "My Profile")?
I just found you can click on the user name above avatar that has a drop down window so I clicked on it and I scrolled all the way to bottom and still see no signature place.

I have clicked on both the brown tab and the one at top in black that says log out next to it.. is there another I need to click on?????...... I have scrolled all the way down and don't see any signature option anywhere... I have found where to add photos , how to add a avatar picture and where you can add a profile picture but see no siggy place at all
........ I will keep looking if ya'll say it is there then I am just over looking it and probably when I find it I will have the "DUH " moment of how did I miss it
It should be after the place to add photos.
You can see others' signatures, right? I know there's a feature where you can hide all signatures, but I don't know if that would affect the ability to create your own sig.
When I go to profile all I see is recent activity ...... Photos..... List........ after that there is turquoise color advertisement area and then a brown area that has all the recent discussions and then at very bottom the normal place where you see about BYC. I can see others signatures. I found where you can hide those and edit all that stuff . No signature area do I see
It sucks being the new egg

It should be after the place to add photos.
You can see others' signatures, right? I know there's a feature where you can hide all signatures, but I don't know if that would affect the ability to create your own sig.
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The system has some limits on new member's ability to have a signature, so if you don't see the edit signature feature in your profile, it might be because the system doesn't know you. I'm not 100% sure what the requirements are, but as you participate more, the system will learn to trust more.

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