How to cure bumble foot?


Free Ranging
6 Years
Jun 14, 2015
Ontario, Canada
I read that you can cut the bump open but I really don't want to do that....

I've read that you can soak their foots in epson salts but I have no idea how much water and how much salts, how long to soak, do you use a gauze after, or is there any other way how to get rid of it?
This link explains how to remove it non-surgically, the amount of epsom salts is not critical, just use what it says on the package for the amount of water you are using, I probably put a tablespoon or so in a gallon of water:
If it's small sometimes just treating topically and wrapping until it's gone will work, just depends on how large and deep the lesion is.
You can also try this one, it also works best on smaller lesions and can take some time:
If none of those options work, then surgical/cutting may be the only way to remove it. Some are very shallow and are easily removed. Some are more complicated and much harder to remove, every case is individual. Some people choose to go straight to doing the surgery since it can be a quicker fix than daily soaks or treatments.
Hope that helps.
We used the water and Epsom salt. We didn't measure either one. We pulled off the scab and I kinda dug a little bit with a tooth pick to get as much of the white stuff out without hurting her. We also put some Bactroban ointment. That's used on humans for staph. It's working great, just taking a while. we didn't notice she had this until she started limping.
My little Silkie hen started limping and holding up her foot.Noticed a small brown scab, so I researched Bumble foot.( she has been eating like the champ she is and the limping isn't slowing her down) Her foot is swollen,bottom and top.The swollen area is more squishy then hard.

I pulled off the scab,but there wasn't the "kernel" that I have seen in videos of chickens with bumble foot.I dug around a little until it started to bleed some.( also soaked her foot for a few minutes with warm water and Epson salt) Got nervous that I was hurting her.I put some antibacterial cream on the open area and wrapped it in gauze.

Is this maybe not a severe case of bumble foot and soaking in Epson salt or Tricide-Neo clear this up? Could this be something else? I will get a picture of what her foot looks like to give anyone a better idea.Breaks my heart that she is hurting :(
This link explains how to remove it non-surgically, the amount of epsom salts is not critical, just use what it says on the package for the amount of water you are using, I probably put a tablespoon or so in a gallon of water:
If it's small sometimes just treating topically and wrapping until it's gone will work, just depends on how large and deep the lesion is.
You can also try this one, it also works best on smaller lesions and can take some time:
If none of those options work, then surgical/cutting may be the only way to remove it. Some are very shallow and are easily removed. Some are more complicated and much harder to remove, every case is individual. Some people choose to go straight to doing the surgery since it can be a quicker fix than daily soaks or treatments.
Hope that helps.

My both rooster having it I removed It soak it apply everything but it keeps coming back don't know why

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