How to "coop train" and "free range" chickens?


Apr 30, 2022
We plan to free range some of our chickens, but how do you train them to come back? I understand that we will sadly loose some, but there isn't much of a choice right now. Some will be in tractors (my favorites), and the remainder will be free ranged.
Tips and advice for how to do this will be greatly valued and appreciated.
I agree leave in coop for 1-2weeks so it sets in their memory that it's safe. It's also a good idea to get them used to the idea you are the treat giver. Give small amounts of scrambled eggs while they're babies so they associate you with good things. Some people shake treats in can to get them to come back at night time. I also used a nightlight at dusk to make coop more appealing at bedtime. I don't even free range but did this all for my flock cause they're dumb when juveniles!

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