How soon after permethrin treatment can I bathe my dog?


Apr 15, 2020
My dog recently rolled in something on a walk and developed 3 small bumps on his back that seemed like mosquito bites, long story short they stayed the same for 2+weeks, then suddenly erupted into an angry, weepy rash and I ended up shaving the area and treating for mites and parasites. I treated last Saturday and it’s Thursday now, the weeping and redness has subsided, and it’s drying up and the swelling is going down. I suspect he had sarcoptic mange because I can see the zigzag pattern now that the swelling and redness have gone down. Whatever it was, permethrin was the answer.

I know it needs several weeks to make sure to kill all life cycles, and I plan to reapply after 2-3 weeks as per the instructions, but I was applying triple antibiotic ointment on the area when it was really angry and weepy, and the fur and skin around it are left kinda oily and gross, so I’d like to bathe him with some soothing shampoo to help the itchiness of the drying scabs, and get him clean again. How long should I wait to bathe him? I don’t know if washing him will weaken the potency of the permethrin. Is 5 days long enough? Should I just keep dry cleaning him as best as possible and wait to wash him until it’s time to reapply the dip? I’ve been putting tshirts on him so he doesn’t rub his residue on stuff, and to be honest I have 2 kids and 3 dogs, and between dipping the dogs, washing beds and bedding etc, I don’t really need more daily dog laundry haha. I want to get him all cleaned up and back to his normal life asap.
It takes up to 48 hours for animals to absorb that flea/tick medication we put on them. Mine says that on the box. It's not the same but it's prescription.

So you're good!
My dog recently rolled in something on a walk and developed 3 small bumps on his back that seemed like mosquito bites, long story short they stayed the same for 2+weeks, then suddenly erupted into an angry, weepy rash and I ended up shaving the area and treating for mites and parasites. I treated last Saturday and it’s Thursday now, the weeping and redness has subsided, and it’s drying up and the swelling is going down. I suspect he had sarcoptic mange because I can see the zigzag pattern now that the swelling and redness have gone down. Whatever it was, permethrin was the answer.

I know it needs several weeks to make sure to kill all life cycles, and I plan to reapply after 2-3 weeks as per the instructions, but I was applying triple antibiotic ointment on the area when it was really angry and weepy, and the fur and skin around it are left kinda oily and gross, so I’d like to bathe him with some soothing shampoo to help the itchiness of the drying scabs, and get him clean again. How long should I wait to bathe him? I don’t know if washing him will weaken the potency of the permethrin. Is 5 days long enough? Should I just keep dry cleaning him as best as possible and wait to wash him until it’s time to reapply the dip? I’ve been putting tshirts on him so he doesn’t rub his residue on stuff, and to be honest I have 2 kids and 3 dogs, and between dipping the dogs, washing beds and bedding etc, I don’t really need more daily dog laundry haha. I want to get him all cleaned up and back to his normal life asap.

We had to teach both of our dogs the command "leave it" as we live in the country and God knows what they find too. Most times we can see they're about to roll in something and yell that at them and they obey, but it's when they run off in the woods and come back stinking like gut rot. We also have issues when we find a dead trout landed on our property from the creek below. The bank is all covered with brush and weeds but those dang dogs will find that one dead fish and roll in it! One dog (border collie) will stand there letting us bathe her, and the other (corgi) we have to bring into the house and do it in the bathtub as fights us. Isn't it fun dealing with this crap they do?
We had to teach both of our dogs the command "leave it" as we live in the country and God knows what they find too. Most times we can see they're about to roll in something and yell that at them and they obey, but it's when they run off in the woods and come back stinking like gut rot. We also have issues when we find a dead trout landed on our property from the creek below. The bank is all covered with brush and weeds but those dang dogs will find that one dead fish and roll in it! One dog (border collie) will stand there letting us bathe her, and the other (corgi) we have to bring into the house and do it in the bathtub as fights us. Isn't it fun dealing with this crap they do?
my hubby took him for a walk and then I walked our other male, the female doesn’t like to leave the yard and just tries to pull home, so we never bother with her haha. Normally they run in the yard, but it was so rainy for a long time, and he was chunking up weight wise, so we tried to do the right thing lol. They know leave it, but hubby thought it was ok for him to roll since he was having so much fun lol.
I’m like Zazu in the lion king, the sooner we get to the watering hole the sooner we can go home, no fun on the way lol. Hubby is the fun parent.
I have 2 kids and 3 dogs, and between dipping the dogs, washing beds and bedding etc, I don’t really need more daily dog laundry haha
With kids and other dogs in the family, I strongly advise to treat all the dogs at the same time when suspecting mange or the circle never really stops as it is highly contageous.

With 3 injections each 9-10 days apart the infection will be covered and you can wash the dogs without any problems.
With kids and other dogs in the family, I strongly advise to treat all the dogs at the same time when suspecting mange or the circle never really stops as it is highly contageous.

With 3 injections each 9-10 days apart the infection will be covered and you can wash the dogs without any problems.
I dipped all 3 dogs. The other 2 still are fine, I’ll dip them again after 3 weeks from the first dip. I also wash all their beds on the steam sanitize setting every couple days, I don’t let the infected one mingle with or use the beds and crates of the others, and I sprayed all the crates and corners where we have beds, with the permethrin, and I let it dry and put the clean beds back on. The one who’s infected, is drying up and healing nicely, it spread a bit to the sides, but more healed than spread. I saw the sides get more red and inflamed 3 days before the second dip, I didn’t treat because I was waiting as per the instructions, but I think that was a mistake. Now I’ve been dabbing the whole affected area with a damp cloth soaked in the dip every few days, to make sure it doesn’t spread. I know it’s a timing thing with the nymphs and larva, and if they erupt and don’t hit a live treated area, they can mate and dig back in. The dip says it can take 3 plus treatments to fully clear. He isn’t scratching or itching, so I’m hoping for the best, but I think washing him after the first few days was a mistake and I should have just cleaned the crusty area off with a damp cloth and dabbed the dip back on over it.
With kids and other dogs in the family, I strongly advise to treat all the dogs at the same time when suspecting mange or the circle never really stops as it is highly contageous.

With 3 injections each 9-10 days apart the infection will be covered and you can wash the dogs without any problems.
I don’t even know where to start. My state is not friendly to treating anything on your own. The original area mostly cleared up, and the hair was even regrowing. Last Wednesday or Thursday the area started getting red and angry again, around the outer edges, I was even dabbing it with the permethrin every couple days to make sure it was fresh. This weekend it really exploded outward and I found a couple independent spots on his elbow and further down his back. I figured he needed ivermectin or some other parasite med that he ingests or is injected.

I took him today to the vet, and it was so bad. The vet didn’t listen to anything I was trying to tell him. I was describing how I treated him and it immediately dried into a scab and the hair was coming in, but he just didn’t think that was relevant. He said he’s afraid he has cancer, and they took him in the back to shave and clean the area and take a culture. They didn’t shut the door to the back, and I could hear them, making fun of my “goat spray” and laughing, and all basically suggesting that he looked like he does today for over a month and I did nothing about it and what’s wrong with me.

When the vet came back he told me he was giving him an antibiotic, an antibiotic ointment, and prednisone. I asked him about parasite treatment and he said he doesn’t think he has sarcoptic mange because the rest of the house isn’t infected, but if I insist, he will give him simparica, (which is the brand the office pushes on everyone for hw, but my dogs kept getting tapeworms and it doesn’t treat tapeworms! I actually fenced my yard myself by hand to keep the deer out, because they wouldnt carry a brand that killed tapeworms and the dogs kept finding deer poop haha)but I digress. I asked if he can give him ivermectin and he told me that “ivermectin will cause liver problems for sure”.

Anyway, the simparica is fine for off label mange treatment, so I’m hopeful it’ll be enough, even though it costs way more. I have secretly been concerned he has cancer or something underlying because he isn’t fighting this off. They ran a bunch of bloodwork in house tho and his thyroid and white blood cells look good, and the cultures are sent out so I won’t have results for a day or so. But anyway, to shave my dog, take cultures, and do the labs, plus meds, it was $1221. I almost threw up.

The tech who came and gave me the bill and explained the meds is the only employee I’ve ever seen before, everyone else is new, even the vet I saw. I told him I heard them mocking me, and we were chatting about the whole thing, anyway he says if my dog has mange, the simparica will immediately cause it to dry and scab, and the hair growth is spontaneous and will look like a lawn regrowing, I told him that’s almost exactly what I told the vet happened after I dipped him, and he was like, oh man, maybe he does have mange. I told him how I could see the red tunnels before it got reinflamed, and that it smells like mange.

I’m at a loss, I honestly don’t know if any other suburban vet in my area will be any more helpful. I’m hopeful the cocktail of meds will clear him up, and if it doesn’t, I’m definitely finding a new vet, I’m finding a new vet any way, but I guess I’ll be more urgently looking haha.
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What an awful experience to have at the vet clinic! :hugs

Adding antibiotics to the treatment sounds sensible to me as often the skin is infected by bacteria due to the continuous scratching, and the prednisone will help with the itching..

I hope that your dog will heal soon and at least have some relief until then.

And yes, I would find a new vet as well. What you describe is no way to deal with the patients owners nor is the amount of money they charge reasonable.

Here in Germany at a veterinary practice one injection of Dectomax (Doramectin) would cost about € 20-30, which would sum up to € 60-90 for a full course of treatment. Then add the cost for the culture analysis and the examination, plus antibiotics and prednisone. Charging $1220 seems wildly exaggerated to me.

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