How quickly does elector PSP kill mites/lice?


Premium Feather Member
Oct 3, 2023
I’ve discovered poultry lice and have sprayed elector psp on each bird and in the coop after cleaning. I’ve found many threads stating this is a one time application - have you found that to be true or should I plan on treating again?

Also, how long does it take to kill the lice? Do the nits fall off the feathers eventually?
Knock on wood, never had more than SLM (scaly leg mites) here but I know most use Permethrin dust or spray. I know Elector PSP is a one-time use product as it kills the eggs as well as the live lice/mites.

The nits will fall off eventually but they're adhered pretty well even dead, so it'll take some time.
Knock on wood, never had more than SLM (scaly leg mites) here but I know most use Permethrin dust or spray. I know Elector PSP is a one-time use product as it kills the eggs as well as the live lice/mites.

The nits will fall off eventually but they're adhered pretty well even dead, so it'll take some time.
Thank you! It’s only been two days but they are still itching and scratching terribly. I’m hoping to see improvement today.
I’ve discovered poultry lice and have sprayed elector psp on each bird and in the coop after cleaning. I’ve found many threads stating this is a one time application - have you found that to be true or should I plan on treating again?

Also, how long does it take to kill the lice? Do the nits fall off the feathers eventually?
How did the Elector work for you? Do you still see lice/mites on your birds?
How did the Elector work for you? Do you still see lice/mites on your birds?
It took a day or two to notice any reduced itching etc. but I believe it worked! After a few days we checked each bird and saw no living lice (some still had nits on the feather base). I’ll be checking them all again on Saturday and will update here.

I read conflicting information on spraying only the vent area vs spraying other areas on the birds. We decided to spray the vent area, as well as throughout the neck and tummy.
Discovered we had an infestation of mites and quickly researched so we could treat. We have not had anything like this so wasn't sure what we were dealing with. The rooster's legs were getting very red and a couple of the hens were acting lethargic. We also noticed egg production slowed down. I treated the rooster's legs a few times with vaseline but only got limited results. The consensus was the Elector so I ordered it from Valley Vet Supply. In the meantime, we got some poultry dust (permethrin) locally, to start treating asap. We sprayed the coops yesterday and the birds this morning. We sprayed a light mist all over their bodies and concentrated on vents, tummy (missing feathers), neck and under wings. I sure hope this does it for them. We love our birds!

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