how much square foot per bird

I built my pair a 20x25 pen and they seem to be really happy in it. I still need to build them a better shelter, they have a very larger dog house right now.
Your pen looks great! Have you considered putting a perch up high between those two center posts for them? All my peas love perching as high as they can get to look at everything.
I have been meaning to add a broad board there I just ain't had the time. It seems like I might have a few to many birds lol.

I was going to mention putting a flat board on the perch until I saw you are from SE Okieland. The main reason for flat perches are to guard against frozen toes and you just don't get that kind of cold down there. Don't let my comments dissuade you from adding a flat board, it can't hurt.
blasphemy! There is no such thing as too many birds! Hahaha *adds more eggs to the incubator and slinks off guiltily*

But there is such a thing as too many birds in one pen, and that leads to a lot of health issues. BTDT

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