How much grain for this flock


Aug 24, 2020
I'm wanting to cull our turkeys and geese so we don't spend a fortune this winter on feed. We've always kept our geese with chickens and have never had turkey over the winter so I'm wondering how much we can expect a flock of 3 geese, 4 turkeys to eat. The geese are Toulouse the turkeys are mixed heritage. The turkeys seem to eat a lot... Our geese completely free range in the summer. We don't even give them any grain, they don't seem to want or need it. We currently have 7 but gonna sell half and butcher one. How much grain per day should we expect? I don't think we'll free feed.
I don't know about geese, but I kept a flock of 9 turkeys for about 3 weeks and they are over a 100lbs of food in that period (2 flock raiser bags and had to supplement with chicken feed). They were very expensive to keep confined. If I had free ranged them, it would have been less. But due to circumstances, I had to keep them confined

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