How Much do you all feed your chickens?

For 110 birds (over 30 are chickens; the rest are ducks and geese), I'm currently using 25lb of feed a day. This translates to 3-4 oz per bird. They free range and are fed twice a day.
Question: I am trying to find how much feed I need to give my chickens to supplement their free range diet. It seems people recommend about 4 oz/bird regardless. Is that correct? I would think free range chickens would need less feed.
I have no idea, I just fill their feeders and let them figure it out. They do a good job of it so I see no need to interfere with my micromanaging. If I had broilers or something that'd be different since they tend to overeat but most other breeds and hybrids are pretty good about eating only what they need
Question: I am trying to find how much feed I need to give my chickens to supplement their free range diet. It seems people recommend about 4 oz/bird regardless. Is that correct? I would think free range chickens would need less feed.
Well, it depends on the quality of your pasture and range. Chickens are not grazers; only a relatively small percentage of their diet can actually be grass. My birds are averaging 3.2 oz per bird per day, in general.

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