How much are adult Isa Browns worth?


Mar 11, 2018
Horrible way to spend a birthday. Neighbor's dog got out and killed my Isa Browns.
Well, it's coming down to either the dog dies or the man owes me a lot of money.

Google isn't giving me good answers, these Isa Browns were at their prime laying age.
Exactly how much is one Isa Brown hen? I need to get this calculated. I was selling their eggs for 2.50$ a dozen.
Even a rough estimate is fine, I'm tacking on for previous killings this dog did last year. I've warned and warned this man, he chooses not to care, I'm done letting him get away with it for free.

I apologize if this is the wrong forum.
I've spent a lot of money on these birds, how exactly do you calculate a price? I'm so upset right now I want to charge him 100$ per bird, but I think that's a bit exaggerated
I'm sorry for the loss of your hens. I would use $25 each as a base price in my area. I've seen nice hens listed for less and I've seen them for more, so adjust accordingly.
I’m so sorry for your loss. Most places that sell adult hens sell them for about $20-40 each, but yours would be worth a lot more if you calculate the price of feed it took to raise them. To be completely honest it would be more than fair to charge him $100 per hen if you feel like that’s necessary.
Thank you @Ms Biddy and @Wee Timmy
I've decided 50$. But I have a new issue, the man took the bodies of my chickens before informing me what happend. I was too angry to think anything of it, does this mean he can claim it wasn't his dog since he stole my proof?
What the what! What kind of psycho do you live next to? I feel so bad for you. Mine are such sweet girls, how many did you lose?
I can't stand the guy, our properties are way out from the city, but of course we live right across the road from each other. He's got a wolf-dog, it killed my Khaki Campbells last year but I let it go, to be a decent neighbor. Then some chickens got killed, then I caught it bothering my cats and trying to mate my spayed Australian shepherds. I warned the guy that the next time the dog is on my property I will kill it. About 4 times now this guy has been trespassing to look for his dog before I find it. This time his dog got my Isa Browns, but he made sure to take the dog back home, THEN come tell me his dog was here. He claimed it killed 1, but the feathers say otherwise. I'm missing 3. I'm hoping maybe he just injured the others and I'll find them tomorrow, but that's highly unlikely. I'll get back at him somehow, I've lost so many animals. But since the dog isn't on my property currently, I can't have it euthanized. And since the man took my only proof, I can't turn him in. I might call and demand the bodies back tomorrow, as odd of a conversation that will be. I'll update here what happens
Did you make a police report? My next door neighbor also lets his black lab loose and it has attempted to get in my coop. I’ve warmed him several times the last incident I rattled off a shot at the pooch with my 25-06 ( no I couldn’t kill the damn dog ) he called the p.a. State troopers and I was told I was in my right to put lead to the pooch. The dog hasn’t been let loose since
You can get whatever he will pay you.
With the courts you get replacement value. So what you get is what the same or simular birds would cost you to obtain.
Prime red sex links here on CL sell for $10 to $20 so here you could ask and maybe get $20 or $25 per bird.
If you go in asking for $50 or $100 you'll walk out with $10 to $15.
Courts don't care how much you loved your hens, time and effort you put into them, costs of food treats supplies etc., nor future lost egg or chicks sells.

I had the same issue with idiots and their dogs.
Killing them slows things down but most just get another dog and it starts over.
Killing them and returning carcuss to their doorstep usually gets their attention and solves things for a while or at least with that neighbor.
Unfortunately to completely rid the issue here I'd have dead dogs stacked like cord wood.
I had to fence them out since no one believes in fencing there's in.
Last summer two pit bulls got loose in my neighborhood and killed a llama and over 50 chickens. None of them mine, thank god. And despite being reported as aggressive dogs by countless people, the city still let the owners keep their dogs with only a warning.

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