How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Nice! goofy birds, mine all lay in the same two nest boxes, i should just take out the partitions so they can do the communal thing too LOL!

That is why I started with the communal box, read all the people posting they had 'x' nesting boxes and the birds only use one or two. Figured I could put in partitions and extra holes if I need to.

Now Temple Grandin was here this week (sadly I couldn't go see her) and of the little tips and tricks related to animal husbandry that they put in the paper, she says chickens like their privacy when they lay. NOBODY understands how animals think like Ms. Grandin so I'm already questioning my decision even though I only have 3 or 4 laying so far. But I guess I'll wait and see if I can tell if they are unhappy about the accommodations. It is nearly 4' long inside so they don't have to cram in like sardines unless a bunch decide to lay all at the same time.

Every one close to me told me their hens stopped laying for some reason or other. Mine just kept plugging along. Daily avg 59 to 62. Seems like mine just like me and keep doing their job.
Adding another 90 to the flock just in case the "old ladies" want some time off. They are just about a year old now. Do they really stop?

We are selling 35 doz a week now, here at the farm and the indoor farmers market.
Have a Happy Thanksgiveing everone. No chicken on the menu.

Windy Hill Berry Farm and Vineyard on Facebook.
Every one close to me told me their hens stopped laying for some reason or other. Mine just kept plugging along. Daily avg 59 to 62. Seems like mine just like me and keep doing their job.
Adding another 90 to the flock just in case the "old ladies" want some time off. They are just about a year old now. Do they really stop?

Maybe you have breeds that are less likely to slack off when the amount of daylight runs short and they do not?

Two weeks worth of eggs from my four hens. Two Americauna's, blue/ green eggs, names Biscuit and Gravy, (No you cannot eat them) one Rhode Island Red named Pete (named after Dad who had awesome sense of humour) and a Silver Cuckoo Maran, Pheonix (Our cranky old lady) speckled tan....just waiting for Pete yes its a hen to fill the left over space she lays the white ones

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