How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Just wanted to update....everyone that was laying that stopped is laying again. But all the older ones ought to be laying by now. I have 8 pullets that are around 7/8 months old but I only have 4 that weird?
ONE! First egg
Given it was cold when I found it and only 5 minutes after I let them out, it was laid yesterday (outside the indoor run).
None laid today but I did finish the community nest box. Hopefully which ever one is laying will go in the box AND tell the others what great fun it is to lay eggs. I'm sure they are tired of being on the dole.

Bought 1 1/2 dozen regular store Large eggs today. Given the size of this one egg, I'm guessing it was not a bad idea

But I'm on my way to "no more store bought eggs"

I'm trying to keep it a constant light source-turn it on the same time every morning, turn it off the same time at night,

You should NOT light at night. If they aren't up on the roosts when the light suddenly goes out, they can't see well enough to get there. Light only in the morning. Figure out what time the sun will set and calculate back from there to get the number of hours desired. Adjust every few weeks.


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