How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Two of my Australorps have now started laying, fancy that in Winter. My first 2 ever eggs.
Today I received 2 more which makes a total of 10 eggs now and they are a little bit bigger than the first 2. They seem to be getting bigger now as they continue to lay. The picture below are the first 2 and they weighed 51 & 52 grams the latest ones weigh 55 grams. How exciting - I have also noticed that the membrane is quite thick and strong - I hope this is a good thing.



I know it's exciting isn't it to get your first eggs! I get excited everytime I go out and find an egg. I always thank the gals! Enjoy!
I'm a newbie, so I may be asking something that is common knowledge. How do you keep track of which hen is laying which egg? I want to breed and raise offspring from the best layers, but short of putting them in separate cages (mine are pastured and that thought breaks my heart) I don't have a clue. Not sure I want to put a video camera on the nesting boxes. :) Any other suggestions?

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