How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

11 out of 19 that are laying right now. Have 4 week old chicks that I can't wait until they start laying. Have been disappointed in this batch right now that are laying. They're Brown Leghorns, Golden Laced Wyondotts, New Hampshires and Black Copper Marans. 15 of them in that yard and thought I'd get a dozen a day from them but just average 9 from them. They're just now a year old and I think should be in their prime. They're good gals behavior-wise, but just not egg layers. The 4 week old chicks are Rhode Island Reds, Black Australorps, White Leghorns and Cinnamon Queens. Hope they're more productive! Plus have some week old Easter Eggers, total 50 right now. I think some of the new ones are roosters so will have to thin the flock down a bit. Already have two roosters, don't need anymore. They're in different yards and crow back and forth in response to each other. It is cute but gets old at 3 am.

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