How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

10 eggs today from my 9 layers, first time production has outnumbered producers.
Getting more than 60/week from those 9, very happy with my 1 year olds.
This yr. I am letting Sassy go all out. I plan to get fertile eggs for her. Should I trust shipped eggs? Can "outside" eggs, from another farm bring illness to my brooder? Should I let her get broody in her own nest and then move her? Can I fool her and set up a nest in the little dog house with faux eggs to attract her? I have put a sm. insulated dog house in the fenced area which I can then put up another fence across to keep the other girls away. The other girls will be able to go into their coop at night but Sassy will be fenced in with her dog house nursery and faux eggs until I get the fertile eggs. Vaccinate new chics? Mercks,etc? My 3 hens are 3yrs old and so far nice and healthy. They free range when I am not at work. I use the deep litter method and move them to summer and then to winter locations. But this has been getting tough on me so I am going to start to leave them in one spot from this time on. Any information/direction would be appreciated. Yes, I have an incubator ready incase she stops brooding. Thank you for your attention. I'll look forward to hearing from to to hatching. Thank you
This yr. I am letting Sassy go all out. I plan to get fertile eggs for her. Should I trust shipped eggs? Can "outside" eggs, from another farm bring illness to my brooder? Should I let her get broody in her own nest and then move her? Can I fool her and set up a nest in the little dog house with faux eggs to attract her? I have put a sm. insulated dog house in the fenced area which I can then put up another fence across to keep the other girls away. The other girls will be able to go into their coop at night but Sassy will be fenced in with her dog house nursery and faux eggs until I get the fertile eggs. Vaccinate new chics? Mercks,etc? My 3 hens are 3yrs old and so far nice and healthy. They free range when I am not at work. I use the deep litter method and move them to summer and then to winter locations. But this has been getting tough on me so I am going to start to leave them in one spot from this time on. Any information/direction would be appreciated. Yes, I have an incubator ready incase she stops brooding. Thank you for your attention. I'll look forward to hearing from to to hatching. Thank you
4chickychoos, you would be more likely to get good information from experienced people by posting your questions under MANAGING YOUR FLOCK, or INCUBATION & HATCHING EGGS.
8/7 and 3 of them aren't laying
My hens had apparently been hiding eggs in the old coop so there was 4 frozen eggs (from yesterday at the least) and one warm brown egg (my CM is laying again!) and a hen sitting on them waiting to lay who got kicked off the nest and back to the new coop where two of the other hens had layed today's and where she added hers.

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