How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Me, too - 2 eggs out of 4 hens. 1 from my rir and 1 from my br. The marans took the day off and the leghorn hasn't started to lay yet. But they all gave me a great deal of pleasure as I watched them in their run today.
We've been two for two since my last post of half capacity... I have a question.... My black sex link is really chatting it up in the morning. ESPECIALLY when the other hen is in the hen house sitting on the nesting area... It's almost like she's yelling to let us know that her friend is in there and she needs the space??? Kind of strange... yes? No??
I Love my girls soooo much!
I just went out to the coop to see if there were any eggs and all the nest boxes are filled with my little ladies. I am usually getting 3 to 4 a day out of 14, they just started laying but today I think I will be swimming in eggs!!!
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