How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

2!!! My first eggs ever and there were 2 of them!!!
The funny thing is they weren't from the hen I expected to get the first eggs from, the barred rock adult hen, but from my little young bantam hen. They should be about 20 weeks old, but I didn't expect any from her until later in spring since I don't have any lights on for them. I didn't check closely yesterday to look for any so one probably was laid yesterday, but the day before I put toys in the cage with them and there weren't any. They were cold when I picked them up, so I stuck them in the incubator. I am so excited!
6/10......5 were first thing this morning. My little bantam was sitting all of them. They are standard sized eggs and she is so tiny. Looked so cute, she was all puffed and sprawled trying to cover all of them!
Heater working just fine. Water was not frozen solid this
32 at 9 am and 10 this afternoon.
Need to add a light for the new group I added.

Keep working on the barn and making changes to convert to coop. Added weather striping, latches to doors. I will post some photos in the next couple of days.
2/7 for the first time in many weeks
I got 5 today, the most so far. My pullets just started to lay. 3 blue eggs, 1 dark brown, 1 light brown. I have 6 hens and 8 roosters. I need to get red of some of the roosters. They look good. My biggest hen is black and white, she cannot walk like the other chickens, she always sits down and only moves in short burst of walking. She drags her breast around so much it is worn down to yellow skin, it was swollen and infected I guess but now it is just a callous. When she has to move far she flaps her wings to help her ease the burden on her legs. I'll watch her daily now. It is about 30 - 65 degrees here usually and I wonder if I leave the eggs will they hatch? ttyl

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