How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Got 7 yesterday. Hoping of more today. My Barred Rock pullet laid her first and since the Splash Ameraucana roo is over her, I think she would have some awesome Blue Barred EE babies.
5 laying now. In the last 7 days, 34 out of 35! WOW! Different breeds too, my BR, SLW, EE, GSL, BO are all laying daily. My EE missed a day. They seem to have picked up after a brief slacker period.....and my broody is off the nest finally, so hoping for 6 laying by Christmas. It usually takes her a week or so to get fired up again. A good week! Last week I started them on layer mash, ACV in their water, Cayenne pepper ten days ago to clear any parasites, and a little scratch. I have to think the diet change made a big difference. Was strictly giving them pellets before with a few scraps. They really chow down on the mash, so I am sticking with it until spring. Hopefully their new diet will keep them happier
They were starting to look a little skinny.
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