How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

7 from 7 today, but one, again, broken in the nest. Dang it!
So 6 good eggs today.
Someone have a brittle shell? I have one like that, I have been giving her calcium, seems to be helping her eggs, they are still brittle but don’t break in the nest box now.
Someone have a brittle shell? I have one like that, I have been giving her calcium, seems to be helping her eggs, they are still brittle but don’t break in the nest box now.
The get an endless supply of crushed eggshells and oyster shell granules, and they eat quite a bit. I would have no idea which chicken is laying those eggs so I'll just deal with it.

It could be from the nervous hen that all the others seem to hate.
The get an endless supply of crushed eggshells and oyster shell granules, and they eat quite a bit. I would have no idea which chicken is laying those eggs so I'll just deal with it.

It could be from the nervous hen that all the others seem to hate.
Could be, hard to say what causes it, in Larry’s case she is juat old -she is 5 this year - but looks great!

My 4 old ladies, Larry is the Barred Rock, the black hen Penelope 7 yrs old this year. The red hens are 5

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